LYNNFIELD — The Lynnfield-Wakefield co-op swim and dive team is hosting a Christmas tree pick up and disposal event this holiday season for Lynnfield residents only.

Residents are encouraged to let the Pioneers pick up and dispose of their Christmas tree. The Pioneers will be picking up trees on Saturday, Jan. 4 and Saturday, Jan. 11, and the cost is $30 per tree. Townspeople should leave their tree curbside by 7:30 a.m. on the day of pickup.

Townspeople can simply send an email with their name, address, phone number and preferred pick up date to Residents can send checks payable to LHS/WHS Swim Team, 62 Valley St., Wakefield 01880. People also send a Venmo to @Elizabeth-Shrewsbury. Residents need to include their name, address and preferred pick up date in the comments. Payment must be received by no later than Jan. 2, 2025.