CLASS PRESIDENT Kristen Galvin delivers her portion of the class officers’ speech. Looking on are (l-r): Treasurer Julia DeAngelis, Secretary Bella Fischer and Vice President Keely Hannon. (Maureen Doherty Photo)


President Kristen Galvin

Good evening everyone, my name is Kristen Galvin and for the past three years, I have had the honor to serve as the President of the Class of 2024.

I’m sure after all of the speeches given to you tonight, many of the people here are on the edge of their seats to give their graduates a hug and for my fellow classmates to finally get to turn their tassel. However, I hope you’ll give my fellow officers and I a chance to give our last anecdotes.

Traditionally, as class president, I am tasked to speak about the accomplishments of our class over the past four years.  In the past, many previous class presidents have spoken about the tangible accomplishments their grade has produced.  And although I am extraordinarily proud of all of our arts, sports, and academics because there is no doubt that the Hornet pride surrounding those topics will continue to be produced as legacies are passed on, I’d rather turn your attention to the intangible.  The class of 2024 is one of the smallest to walk the halls of North Reading High School.  But, that doesn’t mean you can discount us.

I think everyone in this school has at least one member of the class of 2024 that they are going to miss.  When our year got cut short in 8th grade, we lost many of our classmates to private schools. Although many of them are still our closest friends, our grade was a fraction of what it used to be. But, that didn’t stop us from growing into ourselves, but rather propelled us to face adversity head on.  We grew by creating relationships across all grades, bringing the entire school together.  We didn’t have the luxury of size and friends we’ve always had.  We couldn’t expect others to fill gaps, but instead had to do it ourselves, and motivate our companions to do the same.

If you’re upset about my lack of focus on the tangibles, look at our sports: how many leaders has our grade produced?  How many state titles has our track teams had over the past four years? How many talented individuals have been carrying our arts departments to glorious victories.  Our a cappella group, NOTEorious has competed at the collegiate level, and performed with professional bands!  Members of our class are even the creators of the infamous HornetNation that never misses the chance to inform the student body about all of the ways to support their classmates, or congratulate them when they succeed.  Only having about 130 students in our grade has far from debilitated us, but forced us to fill the gaps and grow strong to truly accomplish so much.

As your class officer, I thank you for the opportunity to allow myself to pursue things I never thought imaginable.  And on behalf of all class officers, thank you for the opportunity to bring this grade together despite the lack of numbers.  Now, before you leave NRHS behind, just remember that despite whatever happens and whatever struggles you face, there are always people in this crowd somewhere waiting to lift you up.  And before I pass it on to the one and only JD, let me say this, just remember that going a different way home to take the scenic route still takes you home.

Treasurer Julia DeAngelis

Thank you Kristen. Good evening everyone.  My name is Julia DeAngelis and I have had the pleasure of serving as the Class of 2024 treasurer for the past two years.

In our time at North Reading High School, thanks to the hard work of the class officers and student body, we have been able to collect a substantial amount of funds to use for a final class gift that we believe will benefit the whole community.

As we approached the end of the year, the class officers and I dedicated a great deal of thought into where this money could make a difference.

We knew we wanted to give something useful to the high school that has supported us through these past four years, but we also wanted to give back to the youth of North Reading and the next generation of students.

I’m pleased to announce that we were able to do both.

For the high school, per Mr. Loprete’s request, we have decided to donate customized tents featuring North Reading branding to be used at outdoor events.

And for the youth of North Reading, we decided to divide up our leftover funds and donate them to the elementary schools and the middle school for the specific use of extracurriculars and enrichments. We hope this donation will provide new opportunities and experiences for students at all North Reading Public Schools.

We feel that our choices of class gifts exemplify the values of community and support that the class of 2024 has exhibited in our time at North Reading.

Thank you all, and I will now pass the mic to the face of Hornet Nation, our secretary, Bella Fischer

Secretary Bella Fischer

  Good evening everyone, my name is Bella Fischer and I have been honored to serve as your class secretary for the past four years. This evening, as we say goodbye to our high school years, it is of great importance for us to remember who got us here. Let us not forget the dedication, passion and enthusiasm these individuals have contributed to the class of 2024. They have impacted our lives in numerous ways, making us the people we are today.

I would like to begin with expressing our gratitude to our parents and guardians who have been with us throughout this journey. Your loyalty and support has been unmatched. Your kindness, affection and guidance have been critical to our success. As we move onto this new chapter of our lives, we carry the lessons you have taught us and the love you’ve given us. We cannot thank you enough.

To carry on our thanks, I’d like to thank our class advisors Ms. Gagnon and Ms. Gilbert. You have been with us all year long, not only helping us plan fundraisers and events, but also giving us advice and being role models. Without our advisors, the class of 2024 would not be as successful as we are. We are so thankful that you put so much time and effort into our class, making sure we could have a great year. We see how hard you work and we greatly appreciate you.

Next, I want to extend our appreciation to our coaches and directors. You have taught us to be the best versions of ourselves outside of academics. You have provided us with so many new opportunities and experiences. You have shown us teamwork, dedication and so many other values that we will take to our futures. Through sports, clubs and extracurriculars, we have learned countless ways to grow, not only as individuals, but also as a group. Thank you for taking the extra time out of your day to coach a practice, run a rehearsal or lead a club meeting. We appreciate everything you’ve done, big and small.

To our teachers, we would not be the people we are today without you. You have been there every step of the way through our high school careers and we cannot express enough thanks. You have challenged us, taught us lessons and given us knowledge. Your commitment to our education is incomparable. Although our freshman year was on a screen, you were still able to teach us lifelong lessons and give us a passion for learning. Thank you for your dedication, devotion and patience throughout all our school years.

Lastly, thank you to our administration. From the front office all the way to the central office, each and everyone of you has given us so much support and positivity throughout our time in the North Reading school systems. Your actions have gone a long way and we appreciate you. To Ms. Alonzo, thank you for endless encouragement the past two years and we are excited to see your plans for the future. And to Mr. Loprete, thank you for demonstrating integrity, kindness and leadership in our community at North Reading High School. Thank you for all you have done for us.

Thank you again, to everyone who has helped each and every one of us reach this point in our lives, making us the people we are today. And a special thanks to Hornet Nation. I am pleased to hand off the microphone to our Vice President, Keely Hannon.

Vice President Keely Hannon

Class of 2024, I’m honored to be here as we recognize the achievements we have made these past four years leading up to today. Let this moment represent our dedication from the past, the excitement of the present, and our success in the future. Let’s come together and move our tassels from right to left as a symbol of the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… congratulations Class of 2024, we did it, let’s throw our caps!