NORTH READING — All was quiet this past week on the election front as no new candidates have stepped forward to run for elective office in the annual Town Election on May 2.

Nomination papers became available to any candidates seeking to run for elective office Jan. 17. To date, incumbent School Committee Chair Scott T. Buckley of 5 Alden St. has taken out papers in anticipation of seeking his third consecutive three-year term.

This is the year in which there is one seat up for grabs on all three elected five-member boards – Select Board, School Committee and Community Planning Commission.

The Town Moderator’s seat is elected annually under the Town Charter.

The positions on the ballot in 2023 are:


One three-year term. The incumbent up for reelection this year is Vincenzo Stuto, 122 Elm St.


One three-year term. Incumbent School Committee Chair Scott T. Buckley, 5 Alden St., pulled papers on Jan. 17.


One three-year term. The incumbent is current Vice Chair Christopher B. Hayden, 20 Swan Pond Rd.


One one-year term. The incumbent is John J. Murphy, 13 Duane Dr.

Nomination papers and candidates’ packets can be picked up at office of the Town Clerk in Town Hall, 235 North St. during normal business hours, Mondays–Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Nomination papers must be returned no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14. The Town Clerk’s office will remain open an hour later that day.

In order for a candidate to be placed on the ballot, a minimum of 50 certified signatures of registered voters residing in town must be turned in with the nomination papers, according to Town Clerk Susan Duplin. It is always recommended that candidates obtain more than the minimum number of signatures in case some cannot be certified by the Town Clerk’s Office.


Per changes to state law, one seat on the Housing Authority must be held by a tenant from that community who applies to be appointed jointly by the Housing Authority and the Select Board. Due to this change the Housing Authority seat currently held by Chuck Carucci, whose term will expire in May, will be set aside for the tenant appointee.

Tenants interested in applying must do so in the next three weeks and may contact the Town Clerk’s Office with any questions. Letters informing the tenants of this opportunity were mailed to them last week by Housing Authority Director Alan Beineke inviting them to apply.

Other important deadlines in the Town Election cycle include: deadline to file withdrawals or objections to all nomination papers is Thursday, March 30 at 5 p.m. The last day a resident may register to vote to participate in the May 2 Town Election is Saturday, April 22 at 5 p.m.

Those with any questions on the Town Election process may call the Town Clerk’s Office at 978-357-5218 or visit the Town Clerk’s page on the town website at