BLANKETS WERE HANDMADE by the Society to donate to people in hospice. Great job!


MELROSE — Recently, members of Melrose Arts and Crafts Society invited members of Melrose Fish and Game to join them by learning and making fleece-tied blankets. The women completed making 15 blankets which Melrose Arts and Crafts Society members will be donating to people in hospice. A fun time was had by all!

The last official gathering this year for Melrose Arts and Crafts Society will be the Presidents Luncheon on Monday, May 20 (corrected date from the last Press Release). The luncheon will be a buffet at Pearl Street Station in Malden. The figurative “Presidential reins” will be handed over from current president Georgette Petraglia to President-elect, Linda Camberlain. It will be a lovely afternoon. We hope to see you join us!