Boys’ XC sprints past Stoneham towards Freedom title

Published in the October 25, 2017 edition

THE WARRIORS are the 2017 Middlesex League Freedom Division champs.

WAKEFIELD — The Wakefield boys’ cross country team checked off its first box in a list of goals that they set for the 2017 season.

On Tuesday they went undefeated in the regular season and secured the Middlesex League Freedom Division title by defeating Stoneham 21-40 on “Senior Day” on the Wakefield course.

It was a challenge for the boys to return to action just three days after a very hard effort at the Twilight Invitational this past Saturday.

Matt Greatorex finished his home cross country career with a victory over Stoneham standout, Jake Luongo. Greatorex pulled away in the final 200 meters to win in a time of 16:35 over Luongo’s 16:40.

Rohan Singhvi ran a good race finishing 3rd in 16:55. Senior Riley Brackett broke the 17-minute barrier in his last race placing 4th in 16:59.

Tanner Jellison (17:08), Billy Stevens (17:11), and Casey Brackett (17:18) ran close for much of the race and finished in 6th, 7th, and 8th.

Senior Tommy Lucey placed 9th in 17:32. Senior Ryan Smith was 10th in 17:43. Matt Roberto was 11th in 17:50. Derryn Langlois placed 12th in 18:04. Jimmy Crump was 13th in 18:14. Trevor Zupan was 14th in 18:22.

The Warriors now look to recover from a tough stretch before heading to the Woburn Country Club for the Middlesex League 12 Championship meet on Monday.