Published in the May 30, 2018 edition


 LYNNFIELD — The results of Superintendent Jane Tremblay’s spring communication survey paralleled those of the fall communication survey.

Tremblay presented a comparison of the survey results to the School Committee on May 22.

The survey was created in response to Tremblay’s evaluation last June, and was incorporated as part of her professional practice goal to improve communication with parents.

There were 347 parent responses for the spring survey, compared to 384 responses in the fall.

Tremblay noted that 48.4 percent of parents reported taking the survey in the fall, 7.2 percent reported this was their first time taking the survey, and 44.4 percent could not remember whether they had completed the fall survey.

Using a scale of 1-5, parents were asked to rate whether or not Tremblay’s current level of communication was meeting their needs. A score of 1 indicated needs were not being met at all, and a score of 5 indicated needs were completely met.

In the spring survey, data ranged from 3 percent of parents who felt Tremblay was not meeting their needs at all to roughly 50 percent who felt she was completely meeting their needs.

This is an improvement over the fall data, which indicated 41 percent of parents felt their needs were completely met. However, the fall survey also indicated that 3 percent of parents felt their needs were not being met at all.

Similar to the fall survey, the majority of parents surveyed in the spring wish to receive monthly emails from Tremblay containing updates concerning school improvement plans, the strategic plan and school-specific highlights.

Tremblay encouraged parents to read through School Committee minutes or watch the three-and-a-half hour meeting to find specific information regarding the strategic plan and school improvement plans.

“Moving forward, I will continue with my monthly update to parents to inform them of important upcoming events,” said Tremblay. “I will add to that sheet that I send home, links to the School Committee meetings, and I will add links to School Committee minutes as well. School Committee presentations will continue to report the progress of the district strategy and school improvement plans.”

Tremblay also noted that additional correspondence will continue on an as-needed basis.

SC response

School Committee Chairman Jamie Hayman inquired if the results surprised Tremblay. When she replied in the negative, no further discussion occurred.