Posted on: Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The National Weather Service has issued a Hazardous Weather Outlook and an Excessive Heat Watch for portions of Massachusetts, including North Reading, for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

Residents are reminded that hot/humid weather can present a threat to the health of children, the elderly, and those with underlying health issues. During extreme heat, residents are asked to check on any relatives, friends, or neighbors who may be vulnerable to the heat and/or humidity.

Need a place to cool off?  The Flint Memorial Library is air conditioned and is one of the town’s official cooling centers. Today (Tuesday), the library is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and tomorrow (Wednesday), the library will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Additional hours for Flint Memorial Library may be viewed by clicking here.  

The Edith O’Leary Senior Center at the Third Meetinghouse on the common is also a cooling center as it is air conditioned. It is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays. Additional information about the Senior Center  may be viewed by clicking here.

Residents who are experiencing a heat-related medical emergency should call 911.

Preparedness and Safety Information:

Extreme Heat Safety Tips: click here.

Thunderstorm and Lightning Safety Tips: click here.

Tornado Safety Tips: click here.

Stage 1 water restrictions

Residents are also reminded that Stage 1 water use restrictions are in effect.  Stage I Restrictions consist of mandatory outdoor water conservation measures, where lawn watering is restricted to two times per week between the hours of 7 PM and 7 AM. 

  • Residents with ODD numbered addresses may water lawns on Tuesday and Friday.
  • Residents with EVEN numbered addresses may water lawns on Wednesday and Saturday. 

People making use of automated irrigation systems are asked to reprogram the systems to operate in accordance with these restrictions.

No lawn watering is permitted outside these hours.  The town bylaws provides for fines of $50 for the first violation and $100 for each subsequent violation of these restrictions.

The restrictions have been implemented to ensure an adequate volume of water is available at all times for all purposes, including retaining an adequate volume in storage for fire fighting.  Compliance with these restrictions may prevent the need for additional water conservation measures.

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