Published in the February 21, 2020 edition.
WAKEFIELD — The Town Council will dig into another full plate of business when it meets Monday night in the big studio at the WCAT facility behind Wakefield Memorial High.
Here are examples of the anticipated discussions:
• Town Engineer William Renault is expected to present a strategic plan for comprehensive town-wide road repair and maintenance.
• Representatives from the Wakefield Alliance Against Violence are scheduled to explain the White Ribbon Campaign, an annual awareness program in March that addresses male violence.
• Student winners of the RESPECTfully Poster Project Contest will be recognized and all entires will be displayed.
• Members of the Wakefield Center Neighborhood Association are planning to improve the entryway to the Spaulding Street Playground at the Lower Common. Monday night, they will give councilors all the details.
• There is a move afoot to create a new Wakefield Youth Council and the Town Council will hear the plan, since councilors will be appointing Youth Council members annually.
• Th DPW will present an overview of the updates to the town’s Hazardous Mitigation Plan.
• A Community Garden abutting J.J. Round Park is being proposed.
• The Municipal Gas and Light Department will give a presentation on a solar powered project.
• The Town Council will continue its review of the fiscal year 2021 spending plans of the departments under its control. Monday night they will hear the proposed budgets for Inspectional Services, the Information Technology Department, Retirement, Library, Town Council and Accounting.
• Also, Town Council Chairman Edward Dombroski will give updates on the Envision Wakefield Downtown Revitalization project, and on the Public Safety Reassessment Committee and its upcoming community information initiatives.
As usual the Town Council will let people come in to talk about issues important to them during the Public Engagement portion of Monday’s gathering. The meeting starts around 7 p.m.