Published in the June 30, 2017 edition.
The Lucius Beebe Memorial Library Board of Trustees has unanimously voted to offer Catherine McDonald, Assistant Director of the Beebe Library the position of Library Director. Sharon Gilley, the current director, is retiring today after 40 years of service.
McDonald has been the Assistant Director for nearly seven years. Prior to her appointment as Assistant Director, she was the library’s Administrative Assistant for ten years. During that time, she earned her Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from Simmons College in Boston.
Outgoing Director Gilley said of McDonald’s selection, “I talked with Catherine about every decision of any significance.
We share the same principles of service, but Catherine has wisdom and vision. The library will thrive with her leadership.”
Says McDonald of her new role, “I am thrilled that the Trustees have selected me as Director. During her tenure, Sharon firmly established the things a library needs to be successful: municipal support, engaged trustees, a talented staff, an enthusiastic Friends group and a relationship with volunteers and donors. So I’m starting with a great library. I’m looking forward to developing services helpful to our patrons, and encouraging residents, especially those who are not library-users, to stop in or check the website to see the full range of materials and services available. And I’d love to hear residents’ comments and suggestions. I’m very much looking forward to the work ahead.”