Published in the September 7, 2016 edition
WAKEFIELD — In a news article published Friday in the Daily Item, it was reported that residents may notice a slight blip in the collection of recycling in the next couple of weeks as the Department of Public Works tries to make the best of a bad situation after their longtime recycling contractor suddenly stopped collections (last week) in all nine of the communities that they serviced, including Wakefield.
DPW Director Richard Stinson said that Gloucester-based Hiltz Waste Disposal did not inform the town that they would not be picking up recycling on Wednesday. When the trucks didn’t show up in town, Hiltz was contacted. The DPW was then informed that the company would no longer be providing services, Stinson said.
On the town’s website, municipal officials say there will be no interruption in service.
In response to the termination of service, the waste disposal company issued a letter to all the communities it has served. The letter, issued by Melody Howard Ritt, public relations agent for the company, reads as follows:
“It is with deep regret that Hiltz Waste Disposal, Inc., of Gloucester, announces its decision to stop providing trash removal and recycling services to residential customers in nine towns north of Boston. The decision was made after efforts to continue Hiltz Disposal’s residential services proved economically unfeasible for the company.”
Deborah Hiltz, president of the family-owned business, called the decision “difficult but necessary for the continued viability of the company,” and said that the company was doing everything in its power to ensure that its residential customers and staff are taken care of during the transition period.
A pillar of the North Shore business community for more than 40 years, Hiltz Waste Disposal was founded by Don Hiltz in 1972 and is currently led by his wife, Deborah S. Hiltz. As part of its restructuring plan, the company is providing generous severance packages and help with applications for unemployment assistance to its laid-off employees. Hiltz Disposal also is working with other trash removal companies to help them hire members of Hiltz’ laid-off staff.
“Many of our drivers and laborers have been with us for many years,” Hiltz explained. “They know the routes for the various towns and would be a great asset to any company that hires them.” In addition, Hiltz Disposal has offered to assist the affected towns with choosing and orienting their new trash removal vendors.”
As a result of the restructuring plan, Deborah Hiltz hopes the business will emerge better able to serve its commercial customers. “Hiltz Disposal has always been known for its spotless reputation and exceptional customer service,” she said. “We intend to continue that tradition by returning to our roots and focusing on our commercial customers. By getting smaller, Hiltz Disposal will grow stronger and better able to service our commercial customers, now and in the future.”
According to Stinson, all of the communities were informed by Hiltz in July that the company was going out of business but would continue to provide collection services through September. In early August, the town had put together a Request For Proposal (RFP) for a new recycling contractor, Stinson added. They had a new contractor, JRM Hauling, lined up to start collecting recycling on Monday, Oct. 3.