LYNNFIELD — A new inter-municipal agreement signed by the Select Board and the Lynnfield Center Water District (LCWD) Board of Water Commissions last week will update the Department of Public Works’ management system.

Town Administrator Rob Dolan recalled during a Jan. 29 joint meeting between the two boards that the town created an inter-municipal agreement with the LCWD a couple of years ago.

“It saves money and has been cost-effective,” said Dolan. “A few years ago, we entered into an inter-municipal agreement with the Lynnfield Center Water District, which is not an entity of the town. It is a separate independent organization with its own board of directors. The idea was to provide joint management and services that help the town.”

Dolan said the original inter-municipal agreement between the town and the LCWD allowed Superintendent John Scenna to also serve as the community’s capital projects manager, where he has been tasked with overseeing large projects such as the $63.5 million public safety buildings and Town Hall project and the $18 million elementary schools’ expansion project. Dolan said the pact also allowed DPW Director John Tomasz and his department assist the LCWD with various needs.

“We are looking to expand that a little further,” said Dolan. “We are kind of going through a joint reorganization. From our end, we have not eliminated the position of town engineer, but we have incorporated it within the duties of DPW Director John Tomasz. That has allowed us to eliminate a position. With the approval of this agreement, we are also expanding some of John Scenna’s scope. John’s scope would be the expansion of many capital projects that we have as well as taking over the maintenance of our athletic facilities and parks throughout the town. He will also be providing support for the golf courses and long-term capital planning such as road construction. He will be assisting John Tomasz in many areas.”

According to the inter-municipal agreement, the LCWD will allow Scenna to perform “capital planning and management functions for the town…provided that the town services shall not be so time-consuming as to interfere with the performance by the superintendent of his duties to the district.”

“It is anticipated that the district will continue to employ the superintendent and will be responsible for the payment of his salary and the provision of all employment-related benefits granted to him,” the inter-municipal agreement states. “The performance of the town services by the superintendent will constitute part of his job duties as the superintendent of the district, and nothing herein shall be construed to make the superintendent an employee of the town. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the district shall be responsible for any medical or other insurance, retirement contributions, workers’ compensation coverage, unemployment benefits and vacation and other leave to which the superintendent may be entitled by law or by contract.”

The inter-municipal agreement will require the town to pay Scenna $95,000 as well as provide the superintendent with furnished office space for when he is working on town projects. The previous agreement that the Select Board and LCWD Board of Water Commissioners reauthorized last summer involved having the town pay Scenna $25,000 to oversee large capital projects.

Dolan said the inter-municipal agreement will benefit both the town and the LCWD.

“The LCWD has certain unique needs with the staffing they have,” said Dolan. “Taking on more of John Scenna’s salary is a savings for the town because we are eliminating the town engineer position and are incorporating it with our DPW director. It also allows the Lynnfield Center Water District to take care of some of their needs.”

Dolan said Lynnfield has a “unique model” when it comes to providing water for residents.

“In most communities, the DPW director is in charge of everything above the ground and everything below the ground,” said Dolan. “Although this seems like a lot of responsibility for John Scenna and John Tomasz, what we are really doing here is creating a position within two agencies that can be shared by both men who have a combined 50 to 60 years of experience to work for the betterment of the town in a more efficient manner.”

LCWD Board of Water Commissioners Chair Joe Maney agreed.

“We have had an inter-municipal agreement for a couple of years now, and it has grown by leaps and bounds as more projects come onboard,” said Maney. “What we are giving to the town with John Scenna, we are getting back in John Tomasz. Anytime we can maximize the potential for both guys is a win-win. We are both serving the citizens of Lynnfield, and their expertise saves both sides money. Anytime a single entity can do multiple jobs is a win-win for everybody.”

Select Board member Phil Crawford expressed his support for the inter-municipal agreement with the LCWD.

“I think this is a great agreement and we should endorse it,” said Crawford.

After the discussion, the Select Board and the LCWD Board of Water Commissions each voted separately to ratify the inter-municipal agreement.  Each board approved the pact unanimously.

Dolan informed the Villager that Tomasz will remain as DPW director under the pact while Scenna will continue serving as the LCWD’s superintendent and the town’s capital projects manager.

“It’s good for taxpayers,” said Dolan.