LYNNFIELD — A renovation plan for the Lynnfield Public Library is going to be presented at Fall Town Meeting, Select Board Chair Dick Dalton said during last week’s meeting.

Dalton established a goal for this year that involves bringing a warrant article to Fall Town Meeting that will seek to appropriate funds for renovating the library.

“Town Meeting defeated the proposed new library and, in my mind, rightfully so,” said Dalton. “It was way too expensive and the design was not appropriate. Having said that, we have an existing library that is in dire need of some basic improvements. These are improvements that can’t be ignored. This is not the time to kick the can down the road. Items such as Americans with Disabilities Act compliance, roof replacement and basement flooding are not wants. They are needs. Our aim is to present a renovation proposal that is fiscally responsible. Leading up to Town Meeting, I promise there will be ample opportunity for public input, debate and discussion.”

The Select Board last fall authorized spending $75,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds that the town received to conduct a preliminary feasibility study for renovating the library. The town hired Tappé Architects, which designed the $18 million elementary schools’ expansion project and is working on the $63.5 million public safety buildings and Town Hall project, to undertake the study.

Tappé Architects Principals Jeff Hoover and Charlie Hay recently gave an overview of three different library renovation options to the Select Board. The three options have preliminary cost estimates ranging between $10 million and $18 million.

“This was a preliminary feasibility study,” said Hay during a recent Select Board meeting. “I would say these numbers are prudent, and probably need to be revisited. I think a more detailed design exercise at some point would result in a higher level of confidence. These numbers are broad-brush assumptions.”

Dalton proposed that a seven-member Library Renovation Committee be formed to review the three different options. He proposed that the new committee consist of Capital Projects Manager John Scenna, Planning Board Vice Chair Kate Flaws, Finance Committee Chair Tom Kayola, Select Board member Phil Crawford, Library Director Abigail Porter, Library Trustee Anne Malenfant and School Committee Chair Kate DePrizio. Crawford, DePrizio, Flaws and Kayola previously served on the disbanded Library Building Committee.

“The prior committee was very large,” said Dalton. “In my experience, very large committees get unwieldy. Each committee member previously served on the old committee with the exception of Anne Malenfant, who was always at the meetings. She is also an engineer, which will make her a valuable resource. Abigail Porter, our library director, was not a voting member. I think that is inconsistent with how we handled the public safety buildings project, where both chiefs are voting members.”

Dalton also proposed that Scenna serve as the Library Renovation Committee’s chair.

“John has to be involved with anything having to do with capital improvements to give his expert opinion on things,” said Dalton. “Each of the major boards and committees are represented. I think it is a well-round committee.”

Crawford expressed his support for the Library Renovation Committee’s proposed membership.

“I also agree that the prior committee was much too large,” said Crawford. “I think you once said it was in disarray. That is being kind. We certainly don’t want more than seven. I also love the fact that Abigail is a voting member.”

Dalton recalled that Crawford was involved with the rejected Lynnfield Library project for 15 years.

“I think Phil was the natural selection for a Select Board representative,” said Dalton.

Select Board member Alexis Leahy asked why the Library Renovation Committee will include a representative from the School Committee instead of the Council on Aging Board of Directors.

“There are a number of committees who could have been represented on this,” said Dalton. “In my mind, the library is a very important part of the School Committee’s overall outlook with what we are doing with our children education wise and the opportunities they have. I have nothing against the Council on Aging, but I think the School Committee would be more vested in a good outcome for this.”

Leahy said she wants to make sure “all areas of the town that are using the library are especially represented on this committee because it is going to impact all of them.”

Dalton said he understood Leahy’s viewpoint.

“I was trying to keep it down to a group that didn’t exceed seven,” said Dalton. “The individuals are proven workers and I think they will really devote the time to present the town with a fiscally responsible plan that addresses the needs of the town as a whole.”

After the discussion, the Select Board unanimously voted to form the Library Renovation Committee.

The Select Board also voted to dissolve the previous Library Building Committee and thanked the members for their service.

“I would like to thank the members who did serve on this committee,” said Dalton. “Pretty much all of the members spent quite a bit of time working on this. I would like to thank Sarah Kelley, Chris Barrett, Nick Connors, Steve Todisco, Andrew Kenneally, John Tomasz, Joe Markey, Joe Gallagher, Alison Squadrito and Brian Charville. Thank you for all that you did in service to the community.”

Patrice Lane resident Patricia Campbell said there are two downspouts in the front of the library “that are not extended.”

“When rain comes off the roof, it lets water go right next to the foundation,” said Campbell. “I don’t know why this has been allowed to exist, but most homeowners know that you don’t let things go that way. The storm windows and the screens haven’t been properly lowered all winter. Simple things like that might make a difference.”

Dalton said Campbell raised valid points.