A GROUP OF volunteers recently repaired the Reedy Meadow boardwalk. (Steve Fantone Photo)




LYNNFIELD — A group of hardy volunteers recently assembled to restore the town’s Partridge Island boardwalk.

The boardwalk is comprised of two sections, which bring visitors from a beautiful woodland path over Reedy Meadow, the largest freshwater cattail marsh in Massachusetts, and a National Natural Landmark as designated by the U.S. National Park Service.

Volunteers James L. MacDonald and Richard Kosian led the efforts of the nine-member work team. Kosian, Steve Fantone, Mary Lohan, Bob Lee and Nick Federico are active members of the town’s Open Space and Recreation Working Group. They were joined by Ken MacNulty, a member of the Friends of the Lynnfield Rail Trail who also volunteers with other town groups.



AN AERIAL VIEW of the Reedy Meadow boardwalk repairs that occurred last month. (Steve Fantone Photo)


The work crew also included the professional services of Matthew Thompson and his co-worker Michael Almon. Thompson has much experience with construction of wetland crossings, including waterway pathways for the towns of Billerica and Medway, and boardwalk installations in the Parker River Wildlife Refuge and Harold Parker River Wildlife Refuge. Drone photos were produced by Steve Fantone. The town of Lynnfield purchased the needed lumber and supplies for the day’s build effort.

The boardwalk was originally constructed in 1976, in recognition of the country’s 200th anniversary celebration. Through the years, it has been maintained by volunteer efforts of Scout and local civic groups, with assistance from resident business owners. As the boardwalk ages and sees increased maintenance needs, planning is in the early stages for total replacement of foundation and planking.  Kosian has been instrumental in developing a boardwalk replacement capital improvement plan as part of his work on the Open Space and Recreation Working Group.