Published November 27, 2019


LYNNFIELD — Two community groups donated $225,000 for the Jordan Park improvement project during the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Nov. 20.

October Town Meeting approved the Jordan Park renovation project by a 154-36 vote. The project entails expanding the field, expanding the parking lot and constructing a brand new playground.

While the Jordan Park project has a $985,000 price tag, the town’s contribution is $730,000 because Lynnfield Youth Soccer Club’s Board of Directors voted to donate $175,000 for the project. Townscape Lynnfield also agreed to donate $50,000.

Townscape Co-President Rich Sjoberg attended the selectmen’s meeting along with fellow board members Betty Adelson and Ellen Crawford, where they officially donated the $50,000 for the project.

TOWNSCAPE LYNNFIELD donated $50,000 for the Jordan Park improvement project during the Board of Selectmen’s Nov. 20 meeting. From left, Townscape Co-President Rich Sjoberg, Townscape board member Betty Adelson, Townscape board member Ellen Crawford, Selectmen Chairman Phil Crawford, Selectman Chris Barrett and Selectman Dick Dalton. (Dan Tomasello Photo)

“On behalf of Townscape’s board, we are honored to donate $50,000 to the town for the renovation project at Jordan Park,” said Sjoberg.

Sjoberg noted Townscape hosts the annual Geraniumfest and Kids’ Day fundraiser each May.

“It’s the proceeds from that day that helps fund this project,” said Sjoberg. “We previously donated to the Glen Meadow Park project. We are now happy to give this money towards Jordan Park. We are looking forward to seeing everyone next May.”

In a statement emailed to the Villager, Sjoberg said, “It is our mission to endeavor to improve Lynnfield’s playing fields and playgrounds.”

“Townscape Lynnfield is proud to support the Jordan Park improvements with a $50,000 donation,” said Sjoberg. “We appreciate the commitment and support by the town to complete this final phase of the fields project. The expanded playing field, parking lot and the new playground area are dreams being realized.”

Selectmen Chairman Phil Crawford noted that Geraniumfest and Kids’ Day will take place on May 16, 2020. He thanked Townscape for the generous donation.

“I know that you and everybody involved with Townscape works very hard,” said Crawford. “We appreciate it very much because this is an important project for the town.”

THE LYNNFIELD YOUTH SOCCER CLUB donated $175,000 for the Jordan Park improvement project on Nov. 20. From left, LYSC G2 Director Alex Shaner, LYSC President John Scenna, Selectmen Chairman Phil Crawford, Selectman Chris Barrett and Selectman Dick Dalton. (Dan Tomasello Photo)

LYSC President John Scenna and LYSC G2 Director Alex Shaner presented the selectmen with a $175,000 check. Scenna recalled that, “Over a thousand children have worn the blue and gold for Lynnfield Youth Soccer.”

“Hundreds of families and dozens upon dozens of volunteers have put a lot of time into running our organization,” said Scenna. “We are honored to present this $175,000 check towards the renovation of what we feel is our home, Jordan Park. We are really looking forward to this project. These are funds that were raised years ago by past presidents, past board members and past family members. It really is a community donation made from the Lynnfield Youth Soccer family to the town of Lynnfield.”

Scenna noted Shaner’s children will be playing with LYSC’s grade 3 and grade 4 travel programs next year.

Crawford thanked LYSC and Townscape for the generous donations.

“This project was already bid out before Town Meeting,” said Crawford. “These funds and the funds from Townscape were a part of the overall cost for this project.”

The Jordan Park project has been in the works for the past six years, as the Fields Committee recommended that the park get a major overhaul in 2013. A warrant article pertaining to the project was submitted by the selectmen for the 2017 Spring Town Meeting, but Article 26 did not move forward because local officials determined the Lynnfield Middle School Track and Field Complex was a bigger priority.

DPW Director John Tomasz noted the Jordan Park improvement project began last Friday. Local officials anticipate the project will be completed next spring.