Published in the August 30, 2018 edition
NORTH READING — A community vaping and substance abuse informational presentation will take place at NRHS on Thursday, August 30 at 6 p.m. The presentation is mandatory for all fall student athletes and their families which must include at least one parent.
There will be an informal Q and A From 6-6:30 p.m. at the Main Street Hallway outside the Performing Arts Center. Answering questions will be NRPD Community Outreach members, Youth Services Director Amy Luckiewicz and School Resource Officer, Det. Paul Lucci.
Camilia Barrera, the Prevention and Education Coordinator at the Middlesex Partnership for Youth, Inc. will be speaking at the Performing Arts Center from 6:30-7 p.m.
There will be individual team parent meetings with coaches from 7:05-7:35 p.m. The locations of these individual team meetings are as follows:
Team Location
Cheering Auxiliary Gym
Cross Country Media Center
Boys’ Soccer Gymnasium (Cafeteria side)
Girls’ Soccer Gymnasium (Street entrance side)
Field Hockey Health Classroom G-3
Football High School Cafeteria
Golf Middle School Cafeteria
Volleyball Health Classroom G-4