Published January 2, 2020
School Department officials have recently begun work on the fiscal year 2021 (FY 2021) school budget. In the coming weeks school officials will begin meeting to discuss the goals, needs, and priorities of the School Department which will guide the development of the FY 2021 school budget. In March and April the School Department will hold several public meetings to discuss the school’s preliminary FY21 budget proposal. The long, detailed budget process begins as early as August with the adoption of the FY 2021 School Committee budget goals. Once again the School Department will be using their five year strategic plan known as “NRPS 2021,” and the below FY 2021 budget goals, adopted by the School Committee in August, to guide the budget development process.
1. Contribute to the implementation of the strategic plan for the school district: “NRPS 2021;”
2. Advocate for funding to support the buildings and grounds maintenance needs at all schools;
• Support the funding to hire key operational positions including a Facilities Engineer, Maintenance Mechanic, and Floater Custodian
3. Continue to expand community awareness of the budget process through the use of multimedia;
4. Update the five-year Capital Improvement Plan for school vehicles, facilities and technology;
5. Support the process to negotiate a new contract with the district’s transportation provider;
6. Successfully negotiate collective bargaining agreements with employee unions due to expire in Fiscal Year 2020 or June 30, 2020;
7. Explore options for the reduction of fees and tuitions assessed (e. g., athletics, kindergarten, transportation, fine arts and all educational programs) as a long-term budget goal;
8. Explore opportunities to reduce expenses associated with energy (solar power, LED lighting);
9. Continue efforts to garner support from state and local officials to achieve the funding needed to uphold the Mission and Vision of the school district; explore specific financial awards to the school district through the assistance of the state legislature delegation;
10. Approve a Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) budget that adequately meets district requirements for optimum student achievement;
11. Continue to collaborate with representatives of the Select Board, Finance Committee, the Town Administrator, and the town’s Director of Finance.
In the coming months, the School Committee will be holding open meetings and public hearing concerning the FY 2021 school budget. North Reading residents are welcome to attend these meetings so they can share their ideas and opinions on these budgetary decisions. Below are some key presentation dates concerning the FY 2021 school budget.
• March 2, Preliminary FY 21 School Budget presentation, 6:30 p.m., Distance Learning Lab MS/HS
• March 27, Preliminary FY 21 School Budget webinar, 12 to 1 p.m.
• April 1, FY 21 Budget Workshop, 3:30 p.m., District Administration Office
• April 13, Public Hearing FY 21 School Budget, 6:30 p.m., Distance Learning Lab MS/HS
• April 29, FY 21 Budget Workshop # 2, 3:30 p.m., District Administration Office
• May 4, School Committee votes FY 21 School Budget, 6:30 p.m., Distance Learning Lab MS/HS
• June TBD, Annual Town Meeting, 7 p.m. MS/HS Performing Arts Center
During the budget process the community can access presentations, key documents and pertinent information on the school budget by accessing the following business office link on the school district website: In addition, the public may also follow the Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations official twitter account; @nrpsfinance for access to important budget updates and information that will take place over the next several months, including short, but informative, budget videos about a variety of topics throughout the process.