Published in the April 12, 2018 edition
In the interest of public information and to continue to promote good government, the Transcript will, once again, continue its longstanding tradition of publishing political statements without charge from candidates in the May 8 Town Election.
Statements will be accepted from candidates for Selectman, School Committee, Community Planning Commission, Housing Authority and Town Moderator.
Statements will be accepted from both the six declared candidates whose names will appear on the ballot as well as the two declared write-in candidates for School Committee and Community Planning Commission.
The statements may be biographical or issue-oriented (why are you running, what you hope to accomplish for North Reading, etc.) at the discretion of the candidates. They should be approximately 500 words in length or less and sent via email to the editor at Please identify it as a “candidate’s statement” in the subject line of the email.
The statements must be received no later than Friday, April 20 at 5 p.m. A high resolution wallet size photograph in a .jpg format may also be submitted for publication to accompany the statement.
Although there are no contested races in this year’s Town Election we feel it is of the utmost importance to provide ample opportunity for the town’s citizens to learn all they can about the candidates who wish to represent them and the duties and responsibilities of the offices they seek to hold.
We also believe that those who have committed themselves to countless hours tending to the town’s business at the expense of time spent with their own families or devoted to their own careers and hobbies deserve to have the support of their fellow citizens. One good turn deserves another. The least that anyone can do is show up once a year at the polls on Election Day Tuesday, May 8 sometime between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. to vote.