WAKEFIELD — Everyone remembers that amazing season when teamwork was a reality not a cliché. Or that coach who changed lives (even during far less than amazing seasons). Or that teammate who led the league in points and class.
But in case anyone has forgotten, a newly created Northeast Athletic Hall of Fame will honor the achievements of generations of student athletes and coaches from the Northeast Metro Tech High School in Wakefield. Northeast Metro Tech High School student body hails from Chelsea, Malden, Melrose, North Reading, Reading, Revere, Saugus, Stoneham, Wakefield, Winchester, Winthrop and Woburn.
“We want to keep all of our alumni involved in the Northeast family and to let our students know about their school’s history,” said Northeast Athletic Director and varsity football coach Donald Heres. “People like Frank Muse —three state championships in hockey —come to mind.”
The Hall is the brainchild of Heres and it has taken shape with the support of the school administration and the Vocational School Committee. A Northeast Hall of Fame Executive Committee appointed earlier this year has recently finished developing the criteria for admission, nomination process and operational procedures — all the work necessary to enshrine the Hall of Fame as a perennial part of the Northeast Metro Tech community.
Any athlete, coach, significant contributor or team who has, through their commitment, sacrifice and dedication, brought pride and distinction through their outstanding participation to the Northeast Metro Tech athletic program, is eligible for admission to the Hall.
Most inductees will be alumni of the school but the selection committee may nominate, select and induct an individual who does not qualify as an alumnus/alumna but who is deemed worthy of induction because of his or her outstanding contribution to the school.
“This is a great idea that is long overdue,” said veteran teacher and coach Neil Valeriani, a coach of football, hockey and lacrosse over the years. “Any recognition of our students’ achievements is always a good thing.”
Categories and qualifications for admission
Northeast athletes will be eligible for nomination into the Hall of Fame after the fifth year of their graduation from high school. They must have earned a varsity letter in a sport they played for at least two years and will be chosen on the basis of outstanding play, integrity, sportsmanship, character and contribution to the team or teams on which they played. Nominees must have been students who graduated from Northeast in good standing.
A coach’s eligibility will be based upon a high degree of competency, leadership and success. Candidates must have contributed to promoting sound educational values in their athletes and must have coached for at least five years at Northeast and coached in the same sport for four years. Coaches are eligible for induction five years after leaving the coaching position for which they were nominated.
An athletic team’s eligibility will be based upon the success of the team. Teams are eligible for induction after the fifth year of the graduation of the senior members of the team.
Also, any administrator, athletic trainer, game official or other school supporter whose activities have resulted in a service, qualified as outstanding or shown dedication to and helped support or bring recognition to the Northeast Athletic programs for more than five years may be inducted.
But no athlete, coach, team or other significant contributor shall be inducted into the Hall unless he or she receives a 60 percent majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee.
Nomination process
Nominations must be made by completing Northeast Athletic Hall of Fame nomination papers. Incomplete nominations will not be reviewed. The Northeast Hall of Fame Executive Committee has made nomination papers available on the school’s website and in the Athletic Director’s Office. Nomination papers will be accepted until Aug. 31 of the year of induction.
And nomination papers of non-inducted nominees will be kept on file for possible future selection.
The Northeast Hall of Fame Executive Committee will assemble in September 2015 to review nominees and vote. The first induction ceremony is scheduled for November 2015.
Think back and then look forward to being a part of the process. Nomination papers are available now.
Published in the June 25, 2015 edition