Published in the July 23, 2015 edition
NORTH READING — Neal Rooney has appealed the Selectmen’s recent decision in appointing a new process serving constable, saying it was not handled in a professional manner.
Rooney was one of three candidates for the constable’s position when the appointment was made at the board’s July 13 meeting. The other two candidates were Paula Desrosiers and Aimee Lowrey. As the Transcript reported last week, the appointment required an unusual second ballot because no one received a majority on the first vote.
The first ballot went like this: Stephen O’Leary and Jeff Yull voted for Rooney, Michael Prisco and Kathryn Manupelli voted for Desrosiers and Robert Mauceri voted for Aimee Lowrey. The second ballot was 4 to 1 in favor of Desrosiers, with Yull sticking with Rooney.
Rooney filed a letter with the Town Administrator’s office on July 15 asking that the decision be reconsidered. He told the Transcript the Selectmen did not act in a professional manner and his military record should have been given more consideration.
However, it appears there is no provision in the town’s charter or general bylaws that allows for a disappointed applicant for any appointed position to file for an appeal and the next Selectmen’s meeting is not scheduled until Aug. 3.