Published in the December 16, 2016 edition
MELROSE — The Melrose Rotary Club made a substantial donation to the Melrose Emergency Fund this week, bringing the total to close to $30,000.
“Melrose Rotary is a longtime supporter of the Emergency Fund,” said Mayor Robert J. Dolan. “Rotarians are active in so many good causes, from helping eradicate polio worldwide to preparing and serving meals at Bread of Life in Malden and I am very grateful that they make a donation to the Emergency Fund every year as part of their community involvement.”
The Emergency Fund provides one-time help to Melrose residents experiencing financial emergencies. All donations go directly to aid, with no administrative costs and the fund administrator makes referrals to other local agencies if needed.
Watch for the Emergency Fund holiday special, featuring Mayor Dolan and other City Hall staff, which will be running frequently throughout the month of December on MMTV.
Recent donors to the Emergency Fund include:
Marita A. Crowley
David and Gillian Cable-Murphy
Dennis and Janet Farrell
Gladys M. Latshaw
Craig and Sara Brandon
Timothy and Renee Donnelly
Melrose Rotary Charitable Fund
Ellen M. Crocker
Donald and Janice Bissex
Howard and Dawn King
David P. Mahoney
Lisa and Albert Howitt
James Bracciale
Albert and Anne Commito
Eleanor A. Hooton
Michael Dargan, Dream Vacations
James and Ellen Herrington
Jim Keane and Tanis Houseman
Robert and Janice Tribble
Melrose Youth Hockey Inc.
Janice Walsh
Barbara and Paul Leedham
Kevin and Jessica Hemmer
Anne L. Swenson
Susan and George Cann
Anthony and Joanne Santagate
Brian and Diane Hogan
Christine E. Swenson
Marianne and Brian Long
Michael J. Bibilos
Serena and Adam Brown
Joan Leighton
Maureen H. Buzby
Marty R. Gardner
Michael and Erin Zwirko
Keith H. Bowden
Vincent and Mary Cosco
Gail E. Berg
Joseph and Janet Nevin
The OutLoud Poetry Group
Martin and Mary Robichaud
Vic and Glenda Amirault
Linda S. Fennell
Charles and Jane Madden
Paul and Marie Bruce
Bruce and Joan Winslow
Lin and Jane Hagen
Linda L. Croke-DiPietro
George Proakis and Lisa Loveland
To make a donation, send a check to Melrose Emergency Fund, Mayor’s Office, 562 Main St., Melrose MA 02176 or bring it directly to the Mayor’s Office on the second floor of City Hall. Checks should be made out to the City of Melrose, with “Melrose Emergency Fund” in the memo line. For more information about the fund, call 781-979-4440.