Published in the August 31, 2017 edition

READY to greet their new students next week are six new elementary school teachers, from left: Kristen DiFillippo (Little School), Heather Cuoco and Janeen Abrams (Batchelder School) and Jacqueline “Q” Morra, Sofia Flaherty and Mara LaCava (Hood School). They attended orientation at NRHS on Tuesday before taking a bus tour of the town. (Maureen Doherty Photo)

READY to greet their new students next week are six new elementary school teachers, from left: Kristen DiFillippo (Little School), Heather Cuoco and Janeen Abrams (Batchelder School) and Jacqueline “Q” Morra, Sofia Flaherty and Mara LaCava (Hood School). They attended orientation at NRHS on Tuesday before taking a bus tour of the town. (Maureen Doherty Photo)


NORTH READING — With a new school year set to begin next week, the school system is welcoming 26 new staff members to the district.

Superintendent of Schools Jon Bernard said it’s his pleasure to welcome the new staff members to North Reading Public Schools.

“Many new faculty and staff have been hired during the summer months,” said Bernard. “I am honored to welcome these new employees to the school district and am excited about the endless possibilities for their success in North Reading as they join a talented and committed veteran staff.”

High School

North Reading High School is welcoming two new teachers this year.

Matt Costello is a new health and physical education teacher. He earned his master of science degree in health education from Ithaca College.

Jonathan Hudson is a special education teacher and a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA). He earned his master’s of education in special education and special needs ABA from Endicott College.

Middle School

North Reading Middle School is welcoming six new staff members.

Rebecca Skobe is the new school psychologist who will be working with students at both NRMS and NRHS. She earned her certificate of advanced graduate study (CAGS) in school psychology from Northeastern University.

Wendy Galante is a new sixth grade special education teacher. She earned her master of arts degree in early childhood development from Tufts University.

Katharine “Katie” Bray will teach English language arts (ELA) as a long term substitute. She obtained her master of education degree from Quinnipiac University.

Jessica Murdock will also teach English language arts (ELA) as a long term substitute.

The middle school is also welcoming two new paraprofessionals. Katherine Marsland is a new special education paraprofessional. Steven Spinale is a special education paraprofessional who will be working for the middle school’s Rise program.

Elementary schools

Batchelder School

The Batchelder School is welcoming seven new faculty members this year.

Janeen Abrams has been hired as a new kindergarten and first grade special education teacher at the Batchelder School. She earned her master’s degree in literacy and curriculum instruction from Lesley University.

Heather Cuoco is a new first grade teacher at the Batchelder School. She holds a master’s of art in education degree.

The Batchelder School is also welcoming five new paraprofessionals. Caroline Beaumier is a full-day kindergarten paraprofessional. Sarah Fitzpatrick will be working as a special education paraprofessional. Debra Hayes is a general education paraprofessional.

Cheri LaMonica is a special education paraprofessional. Melissa Tassinari is a full-day kindergarten paraprofessional.

Hood School

The Hood School is welcoming three new educators this year.

Jacqueline “Q” Morra is a new art teacher at the Hood School. She earned her master of art education degree from Tufts University.

Mara LaCava is a new occupational therapist at the Hood School. She earned her master’s of occupational therapy degree from Boston University.

Sofia Flaherty is a special education reading specialist at the Hood School. She earned her master’s of science degree in speech language pathology from the MGH Institute of Health.

Little School

The Little School is welcoming one new teacher and two paraprofessionals this year.

Kristen DiFillippo is a new half-day kindergarten teacher at the Little School. She earned her master of education degree from Lesley University.

Cassandra Barbas is a new general education kindergarten paraprofessional. Allessandra Celani is a new special education paraprofessional at the Little School.

Support staff

The secondary schools are welcoming five new support staff members this year.

The two new food service associates are Wendy Burt and Tammi Toland. The three new custodians coming to the secondary schools are Evan Damato, James Fafard and Joseph Howard.