WAKEFIELD — Young bowlers wanted.
Junior bowlers, ages 8-11, enjoy candlepin bowling every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. at the Wakefield Bowladrome. The season is beginning and there are several openings for boys and girls who would like to compete and have fun.
The cost is only $6 which includes three strings of bowling, bowling shoes and a free banquet and trophies at the end of the season in April.
It doesn’t matter what your average is because currently the averages range from 45 up to 80 and if you have never bowled there is a certified bowling instructor (Bob Curran) to help you get started. If you want to try bowling to see if you like it, you can try for free on the last two Saturdays in September.
If interested show up on Saturday morning at 9 a.m. or if you have questions please call the manager, Tom Giordano, at 781-245-7062.
John Hourihan will greet you at the counter and by the second week he will know your shoe size and have them ready when you walk in the door.