NINE JUNIORS proudly display the Book Awards they received during Underclass Awards Night. From left, Lauren Lane (LHS Book/Dartmouth College Book Awards), Kimberly Staffier (Suffolk University Book Award), Maxwell Lin (Yale University Book Award), Charlie Morgan (Saint Michael’s College Book Award), Nick Lozada (Endicott College Book Award), Mariana Angulo Castrejon (Salem State Book Award and Scholarship), Adishree Batchu (Smith College Book Award), Olivia Sieve (Saint Anselm College Book Award) and Rachel Lim (Harvard Book Award). Missing from photos is Lasell University Book Award winner Brooke Waxman. (Dan Tomasello Photos)


LYNNFIELD — Lynnfield High School recognized the academic achievements of students in grades 9-11 during Underclass Awards Night in the auditorium on June 6.

“The Underclass Awards ceremony gives us the opportunity to recognize outstanding performances in all of the classes Lynnfield High School has to offer,” said Principal Tricia Puglisi. “The students being honored have worked hard and have excelled in one or more areas. I would like to thank the parents, families, friends, teachers and staff members who have guided these students to help them achieve their success.” 

School Counseling Head Kathryn Moody presented 11 book awards to 10 juniors during the ceremony.

Lauren Lane was awarded the Lynnfield High School Book Award. Moody said the LHS Book Award, which is voted on by the faculty, is “presented to a junior who exemplifies the principles and ideals upon which LHS is built.”

“Lauren provides leadership through example, is kind, respectful, courteous and honest,” said Moody. “She appreciates the intrinsic value of learning, participates wholeheartedly in the daily life of LHS and believes what we know to be true — that kindness, respect for others, good humor and personal growth are all values upon which the quality of our lives depend.”

Lane also received the Dartmouth College Book Award. The Harvard University Book Award was presented to Rachel Lim. Maxwell Lin earned the Yale University Book Award. 

The winner of the Lasell University Book Award was Brooke Waxman. Adishree Batchu received the Smith College Book Award. Olivia Sieve was the recipient of the Saint Anselm College Book Award.

Charlie Morgan received the Saint Michael’s College Book Award. The Salem State Book Award and Scholarship recipient was Mariana Angulo Castrejon. The winner of the Endicott College Book Award was Nicholas Lozada. Kimberly Staffier was given the Suffolk University Book Award. 


Social Studies Department Head Sue Breen presented the English awards due to English Department Head Maryellen Iannibelli being unable to attend Underclass Awards Night. 

The grade 9 English Award winners were Max Ladd and Adriana Regitano. The grade 9 English Honors Award winner was Jamie Broady. Mallory DiSilvio and Anna Raslavicus received grade 10 English Awards. Nandana Nishanth was the recipient of the grade 10 English Honors Award.

Rachel Lim received the Advanced Placement (AP) Language and Composition Award. The American Literature Award winners were Marissa Calamari and Alessandro Raimondi. Jhazier Gonzalez Baez was presented with the grade 11 English Honors Award. The American Humanities Award winner was Isaac Medford.

Social Studies

Breen also presented the social studies awards.

Giada Antidormi was the recipient of the grade 9 World History Award. The grade 9 World History Honors Award winner was Grace Clover Childress. The winner of the grade 10 United States History 1 Award was Marianna Axiotakis. Baoyun April Sun received the grade 10 U.S. History 1 Honors Award.

The winner of the grade 11 U.S. History 2 Award was Jesse Dorman. Rachel Lim was the recipient of the AP U.S. History Award.


Science Department Head Scott Gordon presented the science awards during Underclass Awards Night.

Maxwell Lin was the recipient of the Bausch and Lomb Award, which is a scholarship to the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York.

“The Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award and Scholarship is given annually to a student who has demonstrated high achievement and rigor in science and math classes, and scored very well on the PSAT or SAT math section,” said Math Department Head Karen Ellis, who presented the award with Gordon. “The award winners will have their application fee waived and are considered for Merit Scholarships worth at least $5,000 per year at the University of Rochester, totaling up to $20,000.” 

Rachel Lim received the Rensselaer Medal, which is a scholarship to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York.

“The medal was first presented in 1916 with two purposes: To recognize the superlative academic achievement of young men and women and to motivate students towards careers in science, engineering and technology,” said Gordon. “This Merit Scholarship has a value of $40,000 per year is guaranteed for four years for each medalist who is accepted and enrolls at Rensselaer, and can total up to $160,000.”   

Jamie Broady received the Biology Award. The recipient of the Biology Honors Award was Nathan Malenfant. Aurora Capobianco and Gianna Micieli were both presented with Chemistry Awards. The Chemistry Honors Award recipient was Madeline Migliero.

Matthew Squadrito received the Anatomy and Physiology Award. The Anatomy and Physiology Honors Award winner was Aubrey Rocha. Isaac Medford was the recipient of the Forensic Science Award. Jhazier Gonzalez Baez earned the Physics Honors Award. 

The winner of the AP Biology Award was Rachel Lim. Maxwell Lin was the recipient of the AP Chemistry Award.


Math Department Head Karen Ellis and presented the math and business awards.

The winner of the Algebra Award was Max Ladd. Sophie Kennison and Jhanier Gonzalez (CHECK THIS) were the recipients of Geometry Awards. The winner of the Geometry Honors Award was Jacob Book. Hayden Valiton received the Algebra 2 Award. The winner of the Algebra 2 Honors Award was Giada Antidormi. 

Zachary Evangelista received the grade 10 MCAS Prep Award. Kyle McDonald was the recipient of the grade 11 Algebra 2 Award. Aidan Norton received the Functions, Statistics and Trigonometry Award. The recipient of the Pre-Calculus Honors Award was Lauren Lane. 

Harris Hadzihasanovic was given the Technology in the 21st Century Award. The winner of the Computer Science CP Award was Nathan Malenfant. Maxwell Lin won the AP Computer Science Award. Baoyun April Sun was the recipient of the AP Computer Science Principles Award. 

Dillon McKeough was given the Cybersecurity Award. The winner of the Personal Finance Award was Gianna Micieli. Paul Daley was the recipient of the Business Law Honors Award. Alessandro Raimondi was given the Entrepreneurship and Marketing Award. Nila Dharma was presented with the AP Statistics Award. Joshua Robins earned the AP Calculus Award. 

Library media specialist Janice Alpert presented Student Help Desk Awards to Parminder Saini and Kieran Mattingly. 

World Language

World Language Department Head Jodie Leibowitz presented the foreign language awards.

The recipient of the Spanish 1 Award was Nicholas DeGennaro.  Grace Clover Childress was given the Spanish 2 Award. The Spanish 2 Honors Award winner was Jada Moga. Ryan Giacobbi received the Spanish 3 Award. The winner of the Spanish 3 Honors Award was Nandana Nishanth. The recipient of the Spanish 4 Award was Taylor Collins. The Spanish 4 Honors Award winner was Anabel Perez.

Olivia Sylvester received the French 2 Award. The winner of the French 2 Honors Award was Nathan Malenfant. Anna Raslavicus received the French 3 Award. The recipient of the French 3 Honors Award was Chloe Cieslewicz. Lucy Chamberlin received the French 4 Honors Award. 

Unified Arts

K-12 Fine and Performing Arts Coordinator/Lynnfield High School Band Director Harry Wagg presented the art, photography, design and music awards.

Calla Norden was the winner of the grade 9 Art Award. Baoyun April Sun received the grade 10 Art Award. Roxanne Beatrice and Emily Toscano were the winners of grade 11 Art Awards.

The winner of the grade 9 Photography and Design Award was Grace Clover Childress. Charlotte Beccia was the recipient of the grade 10 Photography and Design Award. Emilie Coumans won the grade 11 Photography and Design Award.

Kenneth Waldron-Price received the grade 9 Band Award. Grace Pena was presented with the grade 10 Band Award. The grade 11 Band Award winner was Rachel Lim. The winner of the grade 11 Jazz and Rock Ensemble Award was Joshua Robins. 

Lindsay Squadrito won the grade 9 Chorus Award. Siri Tudi received the grade 10 Chorus Award. The grade 11 Chorus Award recipient was Paige Martino. Tessa Lanza won the Musical Award. Chloe Cieslewicz was presented with the Chamber Singers Award.


High School Assistant Principal Mike McLeod presented the physical education and health awards.

The ninth grade PE/Health Award recipients were Jamie Broady and Dante Bucci. Matthew Tracy and Lillian Williams received the grade 10 PE Awards. The grade 11 PE Award winners were Andrew Orlofski and Lauren Lane.