LYNNFIELD — Lynnfield Community Schools is offering over 100 programs this summer for children, Coordinator Morgan Festa said during a recent School Committee meeting. 

Festa grew up in town and graduated from Lynnfield High School as a member of the Class of 2011. She previously taught third grade for Burlington Public Schools for eight years. 

“I was always working for Lynnfield Community Schools during the summer,” said Festa. “I ran my own programs. I was really excited when this position opened up. I went through the schools, and I know how great of a system it is.”

While working as a Lynnfield Community Schools instructor, Festa said she ran programs that pertained to subjects such as STEM and sports. 

“I have run lots of different programs over the past 10 years,” said Festa. “My goal is to continue making Lynnfield Community Schools grow. We have 100-plus programs running this summer. We have programs for elementary school students and middle school students. We also have some high school kids working for us. It’s all different ages.”

Festa also noted that a large number of Lynnfield Community Schools’ instructors work as either teachers, paraprofessionals and support staff during the academic year. 

“A huge goal of mine in the future is getting more familiar faces working in our programs because kids love having their teachers work in the programs,” said Festa.  “I am really excited to expand Community Schools. I think it has so much potential. It’s something unique that not all districts have. I am excited.” 

School Committee Chair Kate DePrizio said Festa’s leadership has impressed her since she took over as LCS’ coordinator this past winter. 

“I know that you have gone through our system, and I love that you are coming in full circle,” said DePrizio. “You have a sense of what has happened before and where you would like us to be. I have seen on Facebook that there were some parent concerns here and there, and you jumped in and gave them the answers that they needed. Taking my School Committee hat off, I was so impressed as a parent because I we sometimes try to fill a void or tries to be the information source. You were just answering them fully; giving them your number and saying please call me if you have more questions. You were so engaged and ready to help the community. I think that really means something to people when they have questions about programming, Later Extended Day (LEDS) or Before Extended Day (BEDS). You helped them with all that information.”

Festa said she is always open to hearing suggestions from residents.  

“As I learn this role, I appreciate feedback and suggestions about the things that our community wants to see run,” said Festa. “If there is something we don’t have that your kid is interested in, I want to hear those things. You can reach me by email, phone or by stopping by my office to chat about programs that are running. It’s based on interest and what the kids like, and I love hearing what they are into.”

DePrizio commended Festa for wanting townspeople to have “buy-in” so they have can have input about LCS’ programs. 

“That is invaluable,” said DePrizio. “I think you are going to get inundated with suggestions.”

School Committee Vice Chair Kristen Grieco Elworthy said Lynnfield Community Schools’ Summer of Fun Activities (SOFA) programs are incredibly beneficial for children and families. 

“As a parent of younger kids, I really appreciate that the SOFA catalog just keeps expanding,” said Elworthy. “As you said, it is unique and as a working parent, being able to drop your kids off in one location and not running all over the North Shore to try and bring kids to camps is really huge for the summer. You want to give kids something they want to do and not feel like you are filling in the gaps. My kids have done activities such as pickleball, engineering and all kinds of things. It is a super impressive catalog for the summer. I appreciate all of the effort there.”

Festa said the SOFA programs are “not just a drop off where you are going to stay and play.”

“You get to choose what you are interested in and do that for a week and try something different the next week,” said Festa. “It helps families be flexible in the summer too. If you want to go for one morning for a week, go for the full day for a month or whatever you need, you can use our programs.”        

The meeting’s attendees gave Festa a round of applause. 

Lynnfield Community Schools’ SOFA camps began on Monday.