
NORTH READING — The Town Clerk’s Office will soon be mailing “Voter Confirmation” postcards to all registered voters who have not returned their census form or who were noted on a census form to have moved from the town. This mailing is required by law to give those voters another opportunity to respond or to verify and correct their current address and status.

All voters who receive this “Confirmation Mailing” will have automatically been changed from an “Active” to an “Inactive” voter status. If still residing in North Reading, signing and returning the card will re-instate the voter to an “Active” status. If the card is not returned, the voter will remain “Inactive” and be required to sign an “Affirmation of Continuous Residence” when checking-in at the next election — identification will be required at that time. If there are changes to the voter’s address, the appropriate block should be marked and completed in order to update or delete the voter. The card must be signed by the voter and returned for this office to update the voter’s current address and status.

Confirmation Cards should be returned as soon as possible in order to update each voter to their correct status. Return postage is provided on the cards. If you have any questions, call the Town Clerk’s Office at 978-357-5230.