WAKEFIELD – The Town Council last week received an update on the property at 460-470 Main St., the former Ristorante Molise building. The long vacant downtown commercial property has been a source of consternation for town officials, who view it as an unsightly blight on the commercial district.  

But now that a longstanding environmental issue on the site has been resolved, the property is currently in hearings before the Zoning Board of Appeals where the owner is seeking approval to redevelop it as a mixed-use property, with retail/restaurant uses on the Main Street-facing ground floor and residential units above and in the rear.  

Town Councilors have asked to have the appearance of the building dressed up in the meantime and were especially interested in seeing some temporary screening in place before the July 4 Parade. (The reviewing stand from which town officials and dignitaries watch the parade is situated directly across from the building.) 

Town Administrator Stephen P. Maio told the Town Council this week that a local sign company has been approached by the property owner’s attorney about providing some temporary screening for the façade before and during construction. 

Maio showed the Council sample images showing examples of fabric prints that could be attached to the façade to improve its appearance. He said that some type of screening will be in place on the building before July 4 and will remain during construction. 


The Town Council at its meeting last week approved four more Articles for the 2023 Annual Town Meeting. 

One article will seek to appropriate $4,337,400 for the Debt Service Fund, which the town uses to make its bond payments. 

Another article will seek $65,000 to indemnify police and firefighters for injuries sustained in the line of duty. 

A third article for Town Meeting seeks $25,000 for a Medicaid consultant. Maio explained that the town contracts with the University of Massachusetts to help navigate relevant federal regulations and realizes a significant savings as a result. 

The other Town Meeting article relates to a sum of $275,000 to supplement the FY 2023 Police and Fire budgets for overtime and other expenses.  


In other business this week, the Town Council: 

  • Approved a request from the West Side Social Club to use the upper and lower commons from 6 a.m. on Monday, July 3, 2023 to Wednesday, June 5, 2023 at 6 a.m. in connection with its July 4 children’s activities and other programs on the Common, culminating with an evening fireworks display; and to use the outside of Veteran’s Field on Tuesday, July 4 for food concessions. 
  • Heard an update from the Environmental Sustainability Committee on its recent activities and initiatives. 
  • Approved a request to accept and expend a gift or gifts to the Council on Aging in the amount of $265 from various donors with thanks. 
  • Approved a request to accept and expend gifts to the Veterans Services in the amount of $8,000 from various donors.