LYNNFIELD — Town Administrator Rob Dolan and Capital Projects Director John Scenna will host a community forum at the Lynnfield Public Library, 18 Summer St., on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 6:30 p.m.

Charles Haye and Jeffrey Hoover of Tappé Architects, the architectural firm that the town has hired to study the current library building, will present to the community potential renovation options and listen to community feedback.

The study of renovation options was commissioned by the Select Board after the proposed new library building project funding article failed to get the necessary two-thirds vote required for passage at Fall Town Meeting last October.

A Special Town Meeting called by petition of residents is planned for Monday, March 18 at 7 p.m. at Lynnfield Middle School, 525 Main St., to again consider whether to fund the new library building project and to allow the use of a portion of the Reedy Meadow Golf Course land for that purpose.

Tuesday’s forum will be the first public discussion of the renovation options identified by Tappé Architects.

“All residents are invited to attend,” said Dolan.