MELROSE — The Melrose Board of Health this week announced the adoption of the Nicotine-Free Generation policy at its April 18, 2024 meeting. This landmark policy will safeguard the health and well-being of the community’s youth by restricting access to tobacco, e-cigarette, and nicotine products. 

The Nicotine-Free Generation policy, effective January 1, 2025, prohibits the sale of tobacco or e- cigarette products to individuals born on or after January 1, 2004. The adopted policy language is as follows: 

“Prohibition of Sales – No person, firm, corporation, establishment, or agency shall sell tobacco or e-cigarette products to anyone born on or after 1/1/2004. 

Any person, firm, corporation, establishment, or agency who or which shall violate any provisions of this regulation and upon written notification shall be fined and suspended according to the schedule set forth under the Regulation of the Melrose Board of Health Restricting the Sale of Tobacco Products.” 

This decisive action by the Melrose Board of Health underscores the City of Melrose’s commitment to promoting a healthier environment for young people and reducing the prevalence of tobacco and nicotine addiction in the community. Smoking continues to be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. By implementing this policy, Melrose public health officials hope to prevent young people from initiating tobacco use and encourage them to lead tobacco-free lives. 

Melrose’s recent action was cited in a July 10, 2024 article published by The Washington Post, emphasizing the challenging nature of nicotine addiction prevention efforts and the hard work of public health officials like Melrose’s Regional Tobacco Control Coordinator, Maureen Buzby. 

The adoption of the Nicotine-Free Generation policy in Melrose coincides with the advancement of similar local policies in Malden, Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield and Winchester. Several other Massachusetts cities and towns are currently deliberating a Nicotine-Free Generation policy, 

bylaw or ordinance. This regional public health policy drive will help to ensure a level playing field for local businesses and amplify the impact of this addiction-prevention policy across municipal borders. 

For more information about the Nicotine-Free Generation policy and its implementation, please visit or contact the City of Melrose Health Director Anthony Chui at