Published in the January 15, 2016 edition.


WAKEFIELD — Municipal budget season officially got underway this week as the Board of Selectmen reviewed and approved eight of the budgets under its control.

The Election Expense budget was approved in the amount of $49,000. Town Administrator Stephen P. Maio said that the $16,000 increase in this budget was due to the fact that there will be three elections in FY 2017: a state primary election, the presidential election and the Town Election.

The selectmen approved the Finance Committee’s budget at  $7,060.

The Sealer of Weights and Measures budget was approved in the amount of $6,000. Maio said that the town now contracts with the state for these services.

Maio said that the “Miscellaneous Selectmen’s” budget of $21,125 was increased by $2,000. This budget is used to pay for checkers and custodial services at Town Meetings as well as miscellaneous other expenses.

The Historical Commission budget was approved at a level-funded $2,000.

The selectmen approved $75,000 for the Unemployment budget. Maio explained that this budget is split between the schools ($50,000) and the town ($25,000). Selectman Betsy Sheeran recused herself from the discussion and vote on this budget.

The board approved $300,000 for the Reserve Fund.

The selectmen approved the Professional Medical budget at $8,350. Maio explained that this budget is used to pay for physicals for new hires.


Maio advised the selectmen that he will request authorization at the board’s next meeting to put out an RFP on tax title property located at 23 Eaton St. Maio reminded the board that the property was the subject of a tax lien foreclosure in December of 2014. The statutory one-year waiting period has passed and the town can now try to sell the property. Maio asked board members to let him know if there were any stipulations they would like included in the RFP.


In other business this week the Board of Selectmen:

• Scheduled a hearing for Jan. 25 at 7:40 p.m. on the Wakefield Knights of Columbus change of managers (related to the liquor license).

• Scheduled a hearing on the liquor license for Andy’s Liquors (formerly Jeffrey’s Package Store) at 354 Main St. On New Year’s Eve, police charged the store clerk with selling alcoholic beverages to two 19-year-olds.

• Appointed Adam Pinkney to the Albion Cultural Exchange Committee.

• Approved a request from Patrick Sullivan and the Wakefield Independence Day Committee for to hold the annual carnival to raise money for the July Fourth Parade during the April school vacation from April 19 – 23.

• Approved a request from the Lucius Beebe Memorial Library to accept and expend $1,985.03 in gifts from various donors.

• Approved a request from Town Treasurer John J. McCarthy Jr. to transfer $467,175 from the town’s capital projects account to the general account in order to pay bonds due.

• Approved a request from the Council on Aging to accept and expend $3,365 in gifts from various donors.

• Approved a request from the Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) to install a “Stop” sign for eastbound traffic on Gould Street where it intersects with Murray Street.

• Approved a recommendation from the TAC for a “Stop” sign and a painted “Stop” line to be installed on Humphrey Street where it intersects with Renwick Road.