MELROSEThe Melrose Public Safety Buildings Committee (MPSBC) today announced they will host additional Open Houses at all four of the City’s public safety buildings on Tuesday, May 23, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and a final Public Learning Session on Tuesday, May 30, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Driscoll Learning Commons at Melrose High School. For residents who cannot attend the Public Learning Session in person, a remote meeting link will be made available on the City’s Calendar ahead of the session.

On the evening of the Open Houses, May 23, community members of all ages are invited to tour the City’s Police Station located at 56 West Foster St. and three Fire Stations: Central Fire Station (Headquarters) located at 576 Main St.; Fire Engine 2 located at 204 Tremont St.; and Fire Engine 3 located at 278 East Foster St.

During the Public Learning Session on May 30, the MPSBC will present the finalized pre-design plans of the multi-year, phased Public Safety Buildings Project and an overview of the debt exclusion mechanism and its estimated tax impacts for the Melrose community. The session will include a public Q&A.

“Our City’s first responders, the men and women of our Fire and Police Departments, deserve the Melrose community’s full participation and engagement in the process of renovating our public safety buildings,” said the committee. “We hope our community will show up to learn more and ask questions. We also encourage all residents to attend the upcoming Open Houses taking place at all four of our public safety buildings and discover firsthand what the aging buildings look like inside and out.”

The Open Houses will also allow residents to interact with the city’s first responders, including Fire Chief Edward Collina and Police Chief Kevin Faller and learn about the needs of 21st-century police and fire facilities.

Like many communities across the Commonwealth, including many of Melrose’s neighbors, the police and fire facilities in Melrose require upgrades and modernization. Ahead of the open houses, residents are encouraged to please visit the official Melrose Public Safety Buildings Committee website at to ensure they have the latest and most accurate information.

The Melrose Public Safety Building Committee looks forward to discussing this important initiative with you. Please contact with questions.

The Driscoll Learning Commons is located on the second floor of Melrose High School, 360 Lynn Fells Parkway. To access the remote meeting link and join the public learning session on May 30 virtually, residents should visit