MELROSE—The 32nd annual Friends of Melrose Football Golf Tournament returns on July 21, 2023. Registration is open.

Date & Time:

Friday, July 21, 2023 Registration: By 1:00PM.

Shotgun Start: 1:30PM

Place: Mount Hood Golf Club 100 Slayton Road Melrose MA. 02176

Fee – $160 per player. Includes Green Fees, Carts, Dinner & Prizes! Sponsorships – $110 each

Any former MHS football player(s) who registers for the golf tournament becomes a member of the Varsity Club and will be recognized in the MHS Football Program Book. All sponsors and donations over $100 will be recognized in the Program book.

Questions? Contact John Mercer • 617-593-7483. Mail check(s) c/o John Mercer
62 East Street Melrose MA 02176