The last publication date for letters to the editor from local candidates running for office in the town’s annual election as well as their supporters will be Wednesday, April 1.

All letters must be received by noon on Monday, March 30 to meet the publication deadline.

All other aspects of the Villager’s letters policy apply. Letters must be typed and signed by the author. A phone number for verification purposes only must also be included. Anonymous letters will not be published. The newspaper reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clarity or any libelous material.

The preferred method for receiving letters to the editor is via e-mail at For those without e-mail access, mail typed and signed letters to: Lynnfield Villager, 26 Albion St., Wakefield MA 01880.

Additionally, all candidates are given the opportunity by the Villager to submit a candidate’s statement and a head shot photograph for inclusion in newspaper’s special pre-election coverage. The deadline for this submission is noon on Friday, March 27.