LYNNFIELD — The Select Board reappointed a number of town employees and committee members during a recent meeting.

Select Board Chair Dick Dalton said the committee members who were up for reappointment “agreed to be reappointed.” He also said there were members of the Historical Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals “whose terms expired and were not renewed during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Under state law, incumbents continue to serve until they are replaced by the board,” said Dalton. “All of the incumbents have expressed a willingness to continue serving.”

While there was no discussion about the town employees who were up for reappointment, Select Board member Alexis Leahy recalled that the board has “checked in” with the committee members up for reappointment in order to “see if they want to continue serving.”

“I know this is how we have always done it, but it might be worthwhile to have a conversation so that new folks have a chance to come in and it’s not the same folks repeatedly on the board,” said Leahy. “It’s no offense to them and I am sure they are doing a good job. I think it has been a challenge in the past to even find volunteers and that is why we have taken this approach, but it might be worthwhile in the future to have a conversation about opening these up a little more frequently as the terms expire.”

Dalton took Leahy’s suggestion under advisement.

“That is something that can be considered in the future,” said Dalton.

The town employees who were reappointed were Town Clerk Amanda Haggstrom, Assistant Town Clerk Sue Lagorio, Treasurer/Collector Susan Mistretta, Assistant Treasurer/Collector Rosemary Kenney, Animal Control Officer David Crockett, Emergency Management Director Glenn Davis, Assistant Emergency Management Director Chris DeCarlo, Building Inspector Joseph O’Callaghan, and Building Department assistants Scott Fitzpatrick and Daniel Kelly.

The remaining town employees who the Select Board reappointed where Wire Inspector Arthur Skinner, Assistant Wire Inspector Thomas Minnear, Gas and Plumbing Inspector Stanley Kulacz, Assistant Gas and Plumbing Inspector Kurt Romano, Special Police Officer Thomas Canning, Special Police Officer Timothy Foley, Special Police Officer Alfred Scotina, Special Police Officer Philip Tansey, Constable Gregory DiGorgio, Constable Paul Minsky, Constable Ronald Small, Town Accountant Julie McCarthy, Assistant Town Accountant Janice Coburn and Town Counsel Tom Mullen.

The committee members who were reappointed to three-year terms were ZBA member Andy Youngren, ZBA alternate member Sean Riley, Conservation Commission Chair Don Gentile, Conservation Commission Vice Chair and Historical Commission Chair Kirk Mansfield, Conservation Commission alternate member Maria Fernandez Donovan, Cultural Council member Barbara White, Finance Committee Chair Tom Kayola, Historical Commission member Steve Todisco, Recreation Commission member Kimberlee Kossover Hansen and Recreation Commission Vice Chair Bob Relihan.

The committee members who were reappointed to two-year terms were ZBA member Elizabeth Gaskins, and Historical Commission members Abby Kilgore and John Michalski. Historical Commission member Bob MacKendrick was reappointed to a one-year term.

While Board of Health member Dr. Kelly Migliero has decided to step down from the board, Dalton said she agreed to continue serving until her replacement is appointed.