Published in the September 23, 2016 edition.
LYNNFIELD — Plans to bring a medical marijuana dispensary to the old Crystal Motor Express site on Kimball Lane are on hold.
Last month, Town Administrator Jim Boudreau and Police Chief David Breen met with representatives from Nature’s Remedy of Massachusetts, Inc., who expressed interest in establishing a medical marijuana dispensary in town. Wakefield Town Administrator Steve Maio and Wakefield Police Chief Rick Smith attended the meeting as well because the dispensary would have been located on the Lynnfield–Wakefield town line.
In an interview with the Villager last week, Boudreau said Nature’s Remedy is not moving with its original plan and will not be discussing it with the Board of Selectmen this fall.
“(Nature’s Remedy) informed us they are not moving forward at this time,” said Boudreau.
The selectmen would have needed to sign off on a letter of support in order for the medical marijuana dispensary to move forward. If the selectmen approved the letter, Nature’s Remedy would have had to apply for a special permit from the Planning Board.
Massachusetts voters, including Lynnfield voters, voted to legalize medical marijuana in November 2012. The commonwealth is one of 25 states that have legalized medical marijuana. Washington D.C. has legalized medical marijuana as well.
Town Meeting amended the town’s zoning bylaw in order to incorporate medical marijuana treatment center regulations in April 2014. According to section of the zoning bylaw, “any and all cultivation, production, storage, display, sales or other distribution of marijuana” shall be located “only within the restricted area of a registered marijuana dispensary and shall not be visible from the exterior of the business.” Kimball Lane is that restricted area.
Boudreau said last month Nature’s Remedy’s proposed dispensary would have been 2,500 square feet. He said last month the proposed medical marijuana dispensary would have only been selling marijuana, not growing it.
According to an article in The Lowell Sun, Nature’s Remedy was one of two medical marijuana companies eyeing a Westford location for a dispensary. However, Westford selectmen were hesitant to award a letter of non-opposition to either of the two registered medical marijuana dispensaries. The companies subsequently withdrew their applications.