THE MELROSE High hockey team picked up their first win of the season against Lexington. Pictured here are their seniors (bottom from left) Will Ryan, Tyler Muse, Jack Wright. Middle: Joey Kelleher, Brendan Healy, Declan Baker, Mike Fuccione. Back row, Ethan Burns, Sasha Sevastyanov, Joey Smith and Colin Fahey. (Norah Mahoney photo)



After press time: Melrose falls to Arlington 7-1 (Jan 27)
Melrose falls to Woburn 2-1  (Jan 31)

Published February 2, 2024

Offense comes through in 3-2 win over Lexington


MELROSE—If good things come to those who wait, consider the Melrose High Boys hockey team the most satisfied team right now. After a frustrating start to their schedule, Melrose earned a long-awaited win on Wednesday, Jan, 24, an impressive 3-2 victory against a competitive Lexington team at Kasabuski Arena.

It couldn’t come soon enough for Melrose and their head coach Joe Ciccarello, who wants more now that the seal has broken. “I thought we finally played hard and smart all game. We got pucks to the net and got results,” he said. “We played together and with energy, and I believe that if we can do all of these things the rest of way, who knows.”

Lexington (7-7-2) is no slouch on the ice, thus making the win all the more sweet. “They’re a skilled team who had really fast forwards,” noted the coach.

Melrose scored two goals in the second period, both power play goals by captains Jack Wright and Colin Fahey. “We are getting more success on our power play recently, that helps,” says their coach.

Senior forward Jackson Burdick scored the go-ahead goal in the 3rd to put Melrose up 3-0 off a beautiful feed from Justin D’Antona. “[Jackson] is a great finisher for us. We need to get him more chances. And it was a top notch feed from Justin D’Antona,” notes Ciccarello.

Late in the game, Lexington fought back, threatening Melrose when they scored two quick goals. “I’m glad we held on after those two goals,” says the coach. “We have to be committed to team defense in our zone all game. Everyone plays defense or we can’t win.”

Prior to those goals, Melrose defense did the job, with goalie Joe Smith holding the fort at the net. “Joe played well and has been play good lately,” contends his coach.

Ciccarello also credited the work of other defensemen. “Griffin Brady has been a rock for us and Joe Kelleher, Ethan Burns, Mike Fuccione and Brendan Doyle all have made big contributions. Doyle does a great job on power play for us. Again, I believe we definitely made a better commitment to team defense overall. Each defenseman played well all game.”

Some takeaways Melrose can draw upon as they embark in the final stretch of their regular season include the importance of teamwork defense. There is plenty of season left and Melrose is accustomed to playoff runs even in a sub .500 season. But the time is now to make a run.

Says the coach, “We must commit to team defense, cover guys out front. Overall, we have to keep energy up, play together all game long, and keep doing the things we have been preaching all year long. We can’t have anyone wishing the season was over and start their spring sport. Though we haven’t had the results we all hoped for, we could make some noise if no one gives up and we keep the work ethic, energy high and be all on the same page.”