Published in the October 6, 2017 edition
MELROSE — Patrons of the Melrose Dog Park will soon be able to enjoy more hours of use thanks to the installation of two new solar LED lights. The new lighting, focused only on the interior of the park, will be installed this fall and will be in operation November through April from dusk until 8 p.m.
The funding for the solar lighting comes mainly through the city’s award from the National Grid Energy Challenge, as well as generous contributions from the Piccolo Foundation and the Melrose Dog Society.
“The dog park has proven to be one of the most utilized parks in the city,” said Mayor Rob Dolan. “You can drive by any time of day or any month of the year and it is being used, often times in the dark. Having this park safely lit until 8pm in the fall and winter months is a great benefit to the thousands of residents that utilize the space.”
In addition to the solar lighting at the dog park, Melrose’s share of the NGRID Energy Challenge award will be used in a variety of ways across the city that include:
• USB solar charging bench at Melrose Common
• Water bottle filling station at High School athletic complex
• XL Hybrid system on DPW vehicle to save 25 percent on fuel
Dolan said, “The people saved money and as a result, the city got some money” from the National Grid Energy Challenge to put towards these projects.