Published in the September 24, 2015 edition
WAKEFIELD — Beginning the week of Sept. 28, roadway improvements will begin on the following roads:
• Pine Street
• Highland Avenue
• Minor cut-ins to side streets along the routes
The work being performed will include roadway reclamation of the existing surface, repair and adjustment of structures, paving the binder course and miscellaneous items. The work will begin at 7 a.m. with the setup of roadway safety equipment.
The first phase of the project is the reclamation of the roadway. This work will take 3 to 4 days for all roadways listed above. This usually takes a day or two on each street.
Once the reclamation phase of the project is completed, the Town’s contractor will begin work on adjusting of roadway structures. The final phase will provide for the paving of the binder course.
The second layer of payment (top course) and sidewalk improvements will be done in the spring of 2016.
The goal is to complete all work prior to Nov. 15, if not sooner. Please note: all work is weather permitting. If work is delayed due to weather or other circumstances it will be moved forward one day or until the process is completed.
More detailed timing notices will be distributed during various phases of the project.
All vehicles should be removed from the roadway, Monday through Friday, during the day-time hours.
Should you have any questions, you can contact Eric Sherman at 781-246-6308 or Don Schneider at 781-246-6314 during regular business hours.