(The following was written last week by new Superintendent of Schools Adam Deleidi.)

Dear Melrose School Community, 

We hope that you and your family are enjoying the first few weeks of summer. As I complete my first week as the proud Superintendent for Melrose Public Schools, I wanted to reach out and thank the community as a whole for such a warm welcome. I have met so many amazing individuals who are interested and willing to support the schools and our students. I am encouraged and looking forward to the work ahead. I will also be reaching out in the coming weeks to share my entry plan that will include a “listening and learning tour” so that we can ensure you have the opportunity for your voice to be heard.

As we all know, we have much work to do, particularly in the areas of financial management and equity. We are prioritizing both of these areas as we plan moving forward. 

In regards to financial management, we remain concerned about the MPS teaching and learning budget for FY25. The FY25 budget aligns with district goals and is a product of high levels of collaboration and support from our financial partners at City Hall along with embedding the community’s interests and priorities. However, even with the city prioritizing MPS with an increased appropriation and special election override question that was defeated on June 18, the FY25 budget remains very lean, has resulted in reductions to staff and programming, and leaves no room for unanticipated expenses. Given all that, we are going to freeze the MPS FY25 budget as of July 5th, 2024. This means all requests for purchases and hiring need to be reviewed and approved by the Superintendent’s and Business Office before proceeding forward. This will help us forecast spending and reduce the impact of any surprises should they surface. If we determine projections are on track it’s possible the freeze may be lifted at some point this year, however that is still to be determined. We remain both optimistic about the great teaching and learning that happens every day at MPS, and realistic about the financial reality we will operate in this year. We appreciate everyone’s support as we move into FY25.

In the meantime, please feel free to reach out if you have questions, thoughts, ideas, or concerns. 

Happy Independence Day! Go Red Hawks!