Published in the July 26, 2016 edition.
WAKEFIELD – The Maggiore Companies can proceed with their planned five-story, mixed-use condominium complex at 175 North Ave. after the Zoning Board of Appeals last week granted the requested zoning relief. The building will be located between Armory and West Water streets.
Company president Matt Maggiore said yesterday that the plan is to begin demolition of the present one-story industrial building on the site within the next 30 days. Maggiore expects the entire project to be completed within 11-12 months.
The building currently on the site was at one time known as the “Harmonic Drive” building.
“The Residences and Shops at Wakefield Station” will include 60 residential condos on the upper four levels consisting of nine one-bedroom units and 51 two-bedroom units. Retail and parking will be located on the ground level. Additional parking will be located behind the building and in a lot across from the building on
Armory Street.
The project has gone through numerous hearings in front of the ZBA since last winter, during which matters related to architecture, traffic, parking, landscaping, drainage and lighting have been discussed. Maggiore has been represented throughout the process by attorney Brian McGrail.
Last Wednesday, the ZBA granted a Special Permit to allow a 60-unit, multifamily, mid-rise apartment building with a combination of approximately 8,000 square feet of other uses on the ground floor.
The board also approved Special Permits allowing parking on another lot in common ownership and allowing reductions in the requirements and/or standards for off-street parking.
The ZBA also approved a Special Permit providing relief from certain dimensional requirements.
In addition, the board approved a variance allowing a reduction in the number of required “affordable” units from 11 to eight. The eight affordable units will consist of three one-bedroom units and five two-bedroom units.
The ZBA attached 22 conditions to its decision related to planned traffic and street layout improvements approved by the town to be completed at the developer’s expense.
Another condition relates to the removal of trees and the requirement for replacement trees around the building.
The board also included a condition limiting the hours of deliveries by semi or tractor-trailer to 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Other conditions deal with drainage, fire alarms and sprinklers, compliance with the Operations and Maintenance plan and Construction Management Plan.
At last Wednesday’s meeting, the board discussed and made minor changes to a 17-page Operation and Management Plan previously submitted for the site.
Company president Matt Maggiore said that his company was grateful for the chance to build the project.
“The Maggiore Companies is very excited to have the opportunity to work in the Town of Wakefield again,” Maggiore said. “This project is very important for the town and for our company and will help to jump start the redevelopment of other properties in the mixed use overlay district along North Avenue. We thank the zoning board and the town departments for their support of the project to date and we look forward to working together to the successful completion of the Residences and Shops at Wakefield Station.”