Sustainability Committee member

Taking your recycling game to the next level doesn’t have to be complicated. With a few simple adjustments, you can substantially reduce waste, recycle more effectively, and make a big difference in our community. Here are three practical tips to help you become a recycling pro and maximize your impact:

Skip the plastic bags. While convenient, plastic bags are a major contributor to pollution and can take hundreds of years to break down. Instead, opt for reusable bags that can last for years and significantly reduce personal waste. If you do use plastic bags, see about reusing them, or drop off clean, dry bags in collection boxes located throughout town.

Recycle large items. Many common household items can be recycled instead of ending up in a landfill. You can call Republic, the town’s hauler, to pick up larger items like appliances. And for mattresses, which state law requires keeping out of the trash, you can utilize the mattress recycling program offered for a fee by UTEC ( Through these efforts you can ensure that these items are disposed of responsibly.

Start composting. Food scraps and yard waste make up a significant portion of household trash, and should not belong in a landfill. Organic waste can also be turned into nutrient-rich soil perfect for any garden. Organizations like Black Earth Compost ( offer a convenient curbside composting program for residents as well, and offer free starter kits!

Content for the Sustainability Corner is provided periodically to the Transcript by members of the town’s Sustainability Committee.