Published in the May 10, 2018 edition.


WAKEFIELD — The Colonel James Hartshorne House Directors met last night for their annual meeting at Wakefield’s oldest home on Church Street.

A highlight of the meeting was the presentation of a beautifully framed picture of the Hartshorne House to outgoing President Cynthia Stone.

In presenting the picture to Stone, Michael Salvatore, who was voted in as new president, borrowed a quote former President Gerald Ford, who once quipped, “It’s hard to be president.”

Salvatore was then voted in to take over Stone’s seat. Also voted in were Erin Fopiano, vice president; Aimee Forsythe, secretary; Jay Landers, treasurer and Nancy Bertrand, historian.

Merry Eldridge gave the Treasurer’s report on behalf of outgoing Treasurer Andrew McRae, who was unable to attend the meeting.

Eldridge said that membership has climbed 13 percent higher than last year and represents 20 percent of the House’s total income.

She also commented that heating fuel costs were significantly higher this past winter due to the harsh, cold weather.

Among the Directors on hand for the annual meeting were Lisa Tecce, Lois DeViller, Mary Sullivan, Martha Philbrick, Kathy DeCosta, Amy Salvatore, Merry Eldridge, Kendall Inglese, Abby Russell, Bob Curran, Carole Curran, Cheryl Gaudet, Gretchen DiNanno, Marilyn Barrett, Melissa Ross, Nancy Ellen Chase and Student Director Helen Salvatore.

Resident caretaker of the Hartshorne House for the past several years Tyler Gaudet also attended along with twins Emerson and Sawyer. His wife Ariel, a registered nurse, was unable to attend. The Gaudets will move from the house at the end of May, and Allen and Emily Drinkwater will move in as the new caretakers on Friday, June 1.

The Daily Item will publish feature stories about both couples later this month and in June.