CONSTRUCTION OF THE $63.5 million public safety buildings and Town Hall project is underway, and is slated to be completed by the end of 2025. (Ryan Michalski Photo)


LYNNFIELD — A number of large capital projects are either progressing or have been completed, Department of Public Works (DPW) Director John Scenna said during a recent Select Board meeting. 

Scenna recalled that the $63.5 million public safety buildings (PSB) and Town Hall project is underway. The project entails constructing a new three-story Fire Headquarters that will have four bays next to the existing South Station, which will be razed once the new Fire Headquarters is built. The Police Station and current Fire Headquarters will also be renovated and expanded. 

Additionally, the Town Hall addition will make it compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by constructing an elevator in the new addition that will be located in the back of the building. A new H. Joseph Maney Meeting Room will also be built for municipal boards and community groups to use.

“The project is on schedule,” said Scenna. “It will be done at the end of 2025. We hope to have steel erected at both sites this fall.” 

Scenna said construction manager at-risk Commodore Builders has been demolishing the interior of the existing Fire Headquarters, Police Station and Town Hall.  

“It is a very detailed demolition being done by the contractor,” said Scenna. 

Scenna said the new Fire Headquarters site at the Summer and Salem streets intersection has “very difficult” soil conditions. 

“We knew it and have found the worst of every situation,” said Scenna. “We have been working our way through it.”

Scenna said contractors discovered logs, tree stumps and utility poles that had been buried underground at the site and had to be removed. 

“We had to deal with it,” said Scenna. 

Scenna said the existing South Fire Station and the U.S. Post Office are both open during construction. He said contractors have cleared an area on the property that is being used to “recycle material and try to keep material on site.”

 “This is an area we would never build on because it is adjacent to the highway,” said Scenna. “The back corner of the lot has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars because we have the ability to recycle the material and keep most of it on site in an area of the property that we would never use for anything else.” 

Scenna said the PSB project team has been notifying abutters what is happening with the project so that they “know what to expect.” 

Select Board member Alexis Leahy asked if the PSB and Town Hall project is on budget. 

Scenna said yes. 

King Rail clubhouse 

Scenna said the new King Rail Reserve Golf Course clubhouse was substantially completed before winter ended. The new clubhouse cost $1.2 million, and was funded by Lynnfield Golf’s Retained Earnings.

“Our goal was to have it ready for this golf season, and we were able to open the course on time,” said Scenna. “It was completed on budget.”

Scenna said King Rail held a soft opening for the clubhouse in the spring “in order to allow the staff to get used to it.” 

“A grand opening for the clubhouse occurred a few weeks ago,” said Scenna. “It was a joyous day for the staff who had been working out of a trailer for several, several years.”

Scenna said the clubhouse is waiting for a final inspection from Planning and Conservation Director Emilie Cademartori in order to “gain full occupancy.”  

“We have a temporary occupancy permit from the building inspector as well,” said Scenna. “The facility has a customer exchange area that is private from the rest of the building. It has TVs and indoor seating for people to use while waiting for their groups to show up or after people finish golfing. It’s heated and air conditioned.” 

Scenna said the King Rail clubhouse has new technology, which he said is a “big upgrade” from the trailer that had been used as a temporary clubhouse for a number of years. 

“We have a small area for people to purchase clubhouse merchandise,” added Scenna. “There is a secure area for refrigerators, which opens the door in the future to a potential beer and wine license.” 

Scenna said there is a “really nice patio” behind the clubhouse that “overlooks the course.” He also said there is a “secure area” to store the golf carts that is near the clubhouse. 

“I feel that the outside is a huge improvement for those who live in L.I.F.E.’s Colonial Village and MarketStreet Apartments,” said Scenna. 

Select Board member Phil Crawford said the King Rail clubhouse looks “fantastic.” 

Library renovation

Scenna said the Library Renovation Committee (LRC) has been working on developing a renovation plan for the Lynnfield Public Library that will be presented to the Select Board in September.  

“We reengaged with Tappé Architects to create a project that would expand the existing library,” said Scenna. “Our primary goal is to be back in September with a detailed design and detailed cost estimates.”  

Scenna said the LRC selected Option 3 from Tappé Architects, which he said entails constructing an addition in the back of the library as well as renovating the existing attic space. 

“Tappé has been working with Library Director Abby Porter and her staff,” said Scenna. “The staff gave the architect a lot of direction about what they would like to see.” 

Scenna said he, Porter and Town Administrator Rob Dolan have begun discussing potential temporary spaces that could serve as an interim home for the library if voters approve the project. 

In response to a question from Leahy, Scenna said the LRC decided to move forward with Option 3 for the library renovation project. He said the LRC decided not to move forward with Options 1 and 2. 

“We discussed that at length as a committee,” said Scenna. “We decided to come forward with one design.”

Leahy said the rejected new Lynnfield Library project “was a bit challenging for people to absorb” because townspeople only had one project to consider. 

“I would keep that in mind because it was one design and one option,” said Leahy. 

Scenna said the LRC’s meetings are open to the public, and said residents are encouraged to attend them and provide feedback about the project. 

“We had people from the Friends of the Lynnfield Library attend, and they have offered a lot of positive opinions that has helped our committee and the architect,” said Scenna. 

Veterans Memorial

Scenna said work on the new Veterans Memorial is resuming this summer after the project was paused in the spring. He said Tropeano Masonry has volunteered to install the brink veneer and the military seals for the new memorial.  

“They are going to start installing the brick veneer on the cement wall on July 8,” said Scenna. “The pavers will also be installed in July. There is some underground electrical work and the foundation for the flagpole and some benches that are also going to take place in September.”

Scenna said the Veterans Memorial’s landscaping will be planted in September. He said the new plaques that will contain the names of Lynnfield veterans and descriptions about different wars will also be installed this fall. 

“Our goal is to have the memorial’s grand opening on Veterans Day,” said Scenna. 

Rail trail

Scenna said the Wakefield-Lynnfield Rail Trail has been broken into two different phases. 

“The first phase is from Peabody to Ford Avenue by the middle school,” said Scenna. “The second phase is from Ford Avenue, through Reedy Meadow and into Wakefield. This is something we worked collaboratively on with the design team, Stantec, as well as the Friends of Lynnfield Rail Trail and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). There is a path to getting the first phase completed while we design and permit the second phase. At the end of the day, that will give Lynnfield a return on the investment a lot sooner. The first phase will connect the middle school campus with the high school campus.”

Scenna said local officials are hoping to receive construction funding from MassDOT for the first phase of the rail trail in fiscal year 2026. 

“We feel very confident we can get there,” said Scenna. “The 75 percent design is due this fall, and Stantec will be providing the 75 percent design for Phase 1 in a few weeks. That is three months ahead of schedule. The more aggressive we can be in reaching our milestones, the more likely MassDOT will bump our construction funding to fiscal year 2026. The Friends group also received a $200,000 grant from MassTrails, which is a Department of Conservation and Recreation grant. That is going to allow us to design Phase 1 and Phase 2 in parallel in FY25. That is over $400,000 in grant money the last two years. We have an opportunity to put forward a $700,000 to $800,000 design with no further appropriation other than the original one that took place five years ago.”   

Leahy said she was “very happy that the rail trail is moving along.” 

Pleased with progress

Select Board Chair Dick Dalton thanked Scenna for giving a thorough presentation about the different capital projects taking place in town. 

“It’s always good to hear the projects are on time and on budget,” said Dalton.  

Crawford agreed. 

“I have gone to all of the sites, and all of the projects are moving along nicely,” said Crawford. 

Leahy asked if information about the various capital projects has been posted on the town website. She also encouraged Scenna to continue giving updates about the different capital projects to the Select Board moving forward. 

“I think that will help everybody hear what is going on and what the progress is,” said Leahy. 

Scenna expressed his support for Leahy’s two suggestions. He said Town Administrator Rob Dolan is working to have the website updated by the end of the summer, which will include a location that will provide information about the town’s different capital projects.