A LARGE CROWD of residents gave the School Committee an earful about their recent behavior during a Sept. 24 meeting.

A LARGE CROWD of residents gave the School Committee an earful about their recent behavior during a Sept. 24 meeting.


LYNNFIELD — A large number of residents ripped the School Committee and called on Committeewoman Kate DePrizio to resign during a Sept. 24 meeting that featured a standing-room only crowd.

DePrizio ignited a firestorm in town after she made a series of allegations against School Committee member Jamie Hayman during a Sept. 11 meeting. The former school board chair accused Hayman of violating the board’s “ethical standards” by trying to seek “preferential treatment” for his children. She did not present any evidence when making the accusations.

Additionally, DePrizio claimed that Hayman “threatened” her and her children, and called her an expletive during a phone conversation before the Sept. 11 meeting. Police Chief Nick Secatore recently stated in a police report that he “did not hear threats that are of a criminal nature or Jamie mention her family” while listening to an audio recording of Hayman’s side of the conversation.

Lynnfield High School senior Ella Hayman, who went to the meeting straight from the girls’ soccer game, criticized DePrizio and three of her colleagues for their behavior.

“I have always prided myself on my advocacy and being a voice for students, which you all saw this past summer in regards to the dress code,” said Ella. “Now, I feel as though that I must stand up for myself and my sister, and defend our integrity, which has been publicly questioned by this committee. At the last School Committee meeting on Sept. 11, Mrs. DePrizio accused my father of abusing his position, thus giving his children, my sister and I, unfair preferential treatment. Mrs. DePrizio, we have worked side-by-side on the Lynnfield Public Schools Health and Wellness Committee for three years, and we have had many other interactions at various academic events, so I am both surprised and offended that you would make these allegations that have direct repercussions on me and my sister. While I do not know anyone else on the School Committee personally, I still find it disrespectful that you all supported this claim that tarnishes our reputations and puts us in an unfair situation.”

LHS SENIOR Ella Hayman gave a passionate speech defending her and her sister’s integrity during the School Committee’s Sept. 24 meeting.

Ella recalled that she is “very involved” at LHS.

“I hold many leadership positions, including Student Council president and I am in the top 10 percent of my class,” said Ella. “My sister, who is still a freshman, is sure to have many accomplishments during her time at LHS as she did at the middle school. These achievements and positions do not simply fall into our laps. No teacher sees our last name and just gives us an A. We earned every single thing we have accomplished, and we deserve the credit for our own hard work. I am very confident in stating that every one of our teachers would be willing to expand upon and highlight our work ethic and academic responsibility.”

Ella said she and her sister “have always put 100 percent effort into everything we do, a trait we learned from our parents.”

“We have never once gotten special treatment because of our dad’s position,” said Ella. “If anything, we have had to fend for ourselves more than other students. My parents made it extremely clear to us that they would not put our teachers in an uncomfortable situation by making unnecessary requests or complaints on our behalf, and this is a decision we both respect and understand. It’s not our dad’s School Committee position that has helped us, but instead his and our mom’s endless love and support that got us where we are today.”

Ella asked the School Committee to “recognize that your actions and false accusations have consequences that go beyond this committee.”

“There is no need to involve us, as we have done nothing wrong,” said Ella. “I am extremely busy right now dealing with the most important and stressful part of my high school career. I have college applications to fill out, soccer and a rigorous academic schedule that leads to hours of homework and studying, yet I am here defending myself and my sister to a committee of people who are questioning our integrity for no reason. You all have stated that you want more accountability and transparency within the committee, so this is me being completely transparent and holding you accountable. Clearly, none of you considered the widespread repercussions that would come from the last meeting’s allegations. In the future, I hope you fully understand who will be impacted when you make these public statements because we did not deserve or ask for any of this.”

Ella was given a thunderous round of applause after she concluded her remarks.

School Committee Chair Kristen Grieco Elworthy agreed with Ella that, “The decisions made at the last meeting were wrong.”

“At no point did I question your integrity as a student,” said Elworthy. “I completely agree with you that you should not have been brought into this. This was a huge mistake on our part. I am sorry.”

While School Committee Vice Chair Jenny Sheehan and School Committee member Jim Dillon both apologized to Ella, DePrizio and Superintendent Tom Geary did not.

“I admire what you just did,” said Sheehan. “I am personally sorry and I think everyone up here is.”

Ella thanked Elworthy, Dillon and Sheehan for the apology.

Winchester Drive resident Kim Baker Donahue said she was “very bothered by the primary pronoun” in the letter that DePrizio read attacking Hayman was “I” instead of “we” because the school board should have signed the letter instead of just DePrizio.   

“A chairperson is supposed to speak on behalf of a board and should not make unilateral decisions or give an impression that unilateral decisions are being made,” said Baker Donahue.

Baker Donahue also said Hayman and his family “did not deserve to be publicly shamed, defamed or slandered.”

“This is becoming a pattern on our School Committee, and I am not sure who will be willing to step up into that line of fire next,” said Baker Donahue.

Elworthy agreed with Baker Donahue that the situation was “mishandled.” She said attorney Colby Brunt informed her before the meeting that the Sept. 11 letter was “simply supposed to be a conversation and a notification.”

“It was not supposed to arise to the level of any kind of investigation,” said Elworthy. “It was supposed to be a reminder of protocols.”    

Magnolia Drive resident Lindsay Weiss said she watched the School Committee’s Sept. 11 meeting with her family.

“It was impossibly hard to explain to my 12-year-old daughter why a longstanding member of our School Committee was humiliated in front of his own community without any formal process or documented evidence to back up the claims,” said Weiss. “The School Committee claims they are committed to transparency while making weird accusations against another person without evidence. This breeds an environment of toxicity and mistrust.”

Elworthy said the situation was a “terrible mistake, but an isolated incident that we are moving forward from.”

“It will not happen again,” said Elworthy.

OFFICIALS, from left, School Committee Chair Kristen Grieco Elworthy, Superintendent Tom Geary and School Committee member Kate DePrizio were criticized on Sept. 24 for what transpired at the previous meeting.

Wildewood Drive resident Jes Doherty ripped DePrizio, Geary, Elworthy, Dillon and Sheehan for their behavior at the Sept. 11 meeting.

“All of you sat complicit and allowed Kate to read this baseless accusation,” said Doherty.  “You did nothing and you said nothing. I for one am very disappointed. I think this was a huge mistake on your part, your part, your part, your part and your part, and I hope you all have a gentle evening.”

Hampton Court resident Heather Rose said she is “concerned about the future of Lynnfield Public Schools.” She said the School Committee and Geary’s behavior on Sept. 11 “amounted to a dereliction of duty and an egregious abuse of power.”

“Instead of focusing on the serious work of supporting the educational welfare of our students and educators, we observed a complete failure of leadership and a master class in narcissism,” said Rose. “Our students, educators and residents of Lynnfield deserve better. I believe the credibility of this committee has been destroyed, which I fear is putting the district’s credibility at risk. How can we attract and retain high-quality educators, something we admittedly already struggle with, when our elected leaders and administrators behave this way? I am calling for the resignation of Mrs. Kate DePrizio from this committee, effective immediately. I would also suggest that every individual on this committee reflect upon their role and provide the community with an actionable and measurable plan for repairing trust and accountability.”

Elworthy agreed with Rose that what occurred at the Sept. 11 meeting was a “tremendous mistake.”

“This committee did not make those decisions as a committee,” said Elworthy.

Canterbury Road resident Stephanie Slate also called on DePrizio to resign.

“Ms. Elworthy, I respect when you say it’s a mistake,” said Slate. “Respectfully disagree. This is a fireable offense.”

Apple Hill Lane resident Steve Grasso said he was “disgusted” by the School Committee and Geary’s behavior.  He said DePrizio should resign.

“There is no confidence in this committee because of what you have done and how you behaved at the last meeting,” said Grasso.

Russet Lane resident Kathryn Price said she admired Ella and her sister for not only attending the meeting, but also “going to school every day facing what you have had to face.” She said Geary, Elworthy, Dillon and Sheehan’s “own biases acted to impair your responses to what was clearly not factual information to the rest of us.”

“It was pretty disturbing knowing this is the leadership of our district,” said Price.

Price also called for DePrizio’s resignation.

“You lied, you harmed people and I think your letter took no accountability and was frankly threatening,” said Price. “It’s not okay, and I don’t think you should stay here for one second longer touching our kids education.”

Bishops Lane resident Kathleen Dario defended Geary and the School Committee, and highlighted a number of their accomplishments.

“These people stepped up from their very busy lives,” said Dario. “We owe them gratitude, not aggravation.”