For 56th annual classic between Wakefield and Melrose
WAKEFIELD — Wakefield fans attending the 56th annual Thanksgiving Day Classic between the Wakefield Memorial High and Melrose High football teams on Thursday, Nov. 26 at 10:15 a.m. at Fred Green Memorial Field are strongly urged to buy their tickets in Wakefield, not at the ticket booth in Melrose on Thanksgiving morning.
Pre-game tickets in Wakefield are $5 for students and $7 for adults. Tickets sold in Melrose on Thanksgiving morning at the gate will be $10 for everyone (adults and students).
Right now, tickets are on sale at the Wakefield Memoir High School, all three Honey Dew Donuts locations in Wakefield (Lowell Street, Main Street downtown and Main Street in Greenwood), Billy’s Roast Beef and Smith’s Drug Store.
If you buy your tickets in Wakefield, you will not have to wait in that huge ticket line Thanksgiving morning and you will save money by pre-purchasing your tickets.