(No Yard Waste Collection Next Week)
Published November 22, 2019
Thanksgiving Collection Delay
Trash and recycling collection will be delayed one day due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Therefore, Thursday’s pickup will be done on Friday and Friday’s pickup will be done on Saturday.
Public Works Operations Hours
All Public Works Operations and Offices (Operations/Resident Services, Cemetery & Engineering) will close on Wednesday, November 27th at 12:30 pm and remain closed through Monday morning, December 2nd at 7:00 a.m.
DPW Recycle Center (City Yard) Hours
The DPW Recycling Center (City Yard) at 72 Tremont Street will be open for yard waste and recycling drop-off on Wednesday, November 27nd until 2:00pm and closed on Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving.
The Recycling Center (City Yard) will reopen on both Friday November 29th and Saturday November 30th from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm for drop off of yard waste, recyclables (including plastic, glass, paper and cardboard), books, and textiles.
Saturday, December 7th will be our last scheduled Saturday opening. The facility will re-open on Saturdays in April of 2020.
Curbside Yard Waste Collection
There will be no curbside collection of yard waste next week (Thanksgiving week).
The week beginning on Monday December 2nd will be the final scheduled week of curbside yard waste collection for 2019 . Residents are welcome to bring yard waste down to the City Yard during all open hours of operation throughout the year (except during periods of snow removal).
For more information and questions, please visit our website https://www.cityofmelrose.org or call 781-665-0142.