There aren’t a lot of human rights violations in Wakefield. So, to justify its existence, the Wakefield Human Rights Commission has to find things to do.

I just wish they’d stick to discussing their favorite Girl Scout Cookies and leave our country’s flag, holidays and traditions alone.

The Wakefield Human Rights Commission (WHRC) recently convinced the Town Council to amend the town’s Flag Policy to allow flags other than the U.S. flag to be flown from public flagpoles. Specifically, they would like the “Pride” flag and the “Juneteenth” flag to share space with Old Glory on various town-owned poles.

The Town Council agreed with WHRC’s request and assigned Town Counsel Tom Mullen to wordsmith the revised Flag Policy. The only councilor to raise any concerns was Ed Dombroski, who warned of unintended consequences resulting from allowing flags other than the U.S. flag to be flown from public flagpoles.

The Town Council will vote to officially adopt the revised Flag Policy at an upcoming meeting.

All of this comes as a surprise only to those who haven’t been paying attention to Wakefield’s steady slide into wokeism.

Back in 2019, at the WHRC’s request, the Town Council voted to allow the Pride flag to be flown from the flagpole at the Americal Civic Center every June in connection with “Pride Month” events.

I raised no objection to that decision. In fact, I attended the flag raising. But I do remember thinking at the time that one pole location was never going to be enough. Sooner or later, the WHRC would be back looking for more.

It took less than three years for my prediction to come true.

Presumably, there’s nothing in the United States Flag Code that prohibits special interest or political flags from sharing public flagpoles with the Stars and Stripes. If there were, attorney Mullen would have found it.

But just because something’s legal doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

Plenty of veterans and civilians feel strongly that the American flag should never have to share space on a public flagpole with any other flag except the POW-MIA flag. For them, it has nothing to do with the Pride Flag or the Juneteenth flag. It’s about the flag of the United States of America deserving a place of honor all its own.

Members of the WHRC and the Town Council say that displaying the Pride flag and the Juneteenth flag on public flagpoles around town will show that Wakefield is an “inclusive” and “welcoming” community. That’s just to get you to agree to the new policy. Who doesn’t want to be welcoming and inclusive?

But why do we need to signal it with flags all over town? Isn’t it enough just to be inclusive and welcoming?

Apparently not. As we are learning, nothing we do is is ever going to be enough.

The WHRC has a history of going after beloved and popular symbols. They were behind getting rid of the Wakefield Warrior logo. The Youth Council may have brought the idea to the School Committee but the Human Rights Commission put the kids up to it.

The WHRC believes that the United States stole the land it occupies from the Indians and is therefore illegitimate. They are currently working on a “land acknowledgement” to be read before all Wakefield public board meetings. Diminishing the flag of the country that they regard as illegitimate by making it just one of several flags on display is their objective. When you view the American flag as a symbol of oppression and genocide, anything that draws attention away from the flag is a victory for “justice.”

Prospective immigrants tend to have a somewhat higher opinion of the United States. Many are drawn to the American flag as a beacon of freedom, hope and opportunity.

I just hope there’s something left when they get here.