THE WSA Stephen de Garavilla Award for a coach who demonstrates exceptional commitment to holistic player development was recently presented to Jordan Belknap. Pictured from left to right is Tim Fitzgerald (WSA President), Barbara Orlowitz (de Garavilla’s sister), Belknap and Cynthia Saggar (de Garavilla’s sister). (Courtesy Photo)

WAKEFIELD — The Wakefield Soccer Association is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 WSA Scholarship ($500) awarded to two graduating students who have shown excellence in their contribution to the Wakefield Soccer program and have shown a commitment to volunteerism in the community.

Congratulations to Evan Margolis (player, referee and volunteer) who is attending Westfield State University and will continue his soccer career and Emma Shinney (player and volunteer) who is attending Endicott College. Their commitment to the program and Wakefield’s community at large is to be commended. WSA wishes all graduating seniors the best of luck in their future endeavors. 

This year, WSA has also established three volunteer recognition awards that were given out this past Saturday at WSA’s Volunteer Recognition event. These awards recognize the volunteers who give their time to ensure WSA operates smoothly and our soccer community continues to improve and compete.

The Stephen de Garavilla Award is awarded to a coach who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to holistic player development and is in the name of a longtime WSA coach who passed away last year. The 2023 winner of the Stephen de Garavilla Award is Jordan Belknap.

The Sean Buckley Award is given to a coach who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to core values of sportsmanship including team building, equality, inclusion, perseverance and respect; and is also in the name of a WSA coach who recently passed away. The 2023 winner of the Sean Buckley Award is Tom Callahan. 

The last award is the WSA Volunteer of the Year. This is awarded annually to a volunteer within WSA who has gone above and beyond in service to the membership and wider community. The 2023 winner is Anne Miller.

Volunteers make WSA what it is, thank you on behalf of the WSA Board of Directors.