LYNNFIELD — It’s the end of an era for the Finance Committee.

Longtime Finance Committee Chair Chris Mattia recently resigned after serving on the committee for the past 12 years. Former Town Moderator David Miller appointed Mattia to the FinCom in January 2012, and he was named as the committee’s chair in July 2018.

“The decision to step away was certainly not easy and not a decision that was made overnight,” said Mattia.  “The next year or so will be critical to the future of Lynnfield and, with increased demands from my work schedule coupled with an extremely busy home schedule for the kids, I felt that I would not be able to give the Finance Committee role the time it would deserve for a successful outcome for the residents of Lynnfield.”

Mattia said he was “first introduced to the Finance Committee back in the fall of 2011.”

“Jack Dahlstedt was chair at the time and we worked for the same company, so I reached out to him to understand what the committee’s role was and how they were involved in the town,” recalled Mattia. “After a few conversations and attendance at a few meetings, I felt like it would be something I could be a good fit for and the rest is history.”

Mattia said serving on the Finance Committee for the past 12 years gave him “the opportunity to meet and work with so many great people throughout the town.”

“The committee has provided me with the opportunity to be at the heart of the process that makes the town tick: To be able to sit across the table from the individuals who manage the town’s departments and help them problem-solve and talk through the planning, execution and management of their budgets,” said Mattia. “While these conversations could sometimes be stressful, the end results were always rewarding. I have also had the pleasure to be on this committee with great people. Many have come and gone during my 12-plus years, but each brought positive impacts.”

Mattia said serving in local government was an incredibly rewarding experience.

“The rewarding part of this role is when we can come to the best possible outcome for the residents for Lynnfield,” said Mattia.  “Not every decision or every recommendation is going to make everyone happy, but it’s important to remember that these decisions are not made in a vacuum and are made with a holistic viewpoint.”   

Mattia thanked his wife Erica and children Lauren, Michael and Matthew for “allowing me the ability to put everything I had into this committee over the last dozen years.”

“There were a lot of Monday nights out of the house and thousands of hours committed, and that was all possible because of their support,” said Mattia. “When I put the time into perspective, it’s hard to believe that when I joined FinCom in 2012, Lauren was not yet 3-years-old and is now about to complete freshman year of high school. The time certainly flies by.”

Mattia also thanked Town Administrator Rob Dolan, Assistant Town Administrator Bob Curtin and Town Accountant/Assistant Finance Director Julie McCarthy for the support they provided him.

“Thank you for your partnership over the years,” said Mattia.  “It was a great opportunity as chair to work closely with all of you to help move Lynnfield forward.”

Mattia also thanked all of the department heads he worked with over the past 12 years.

“To the department heads who I have worked with over the years during the budget process, I appreciate everything that you did and do,” said Mattia. “Thank you for making the budget process what it is: Transparent and productive.”

Mattia also thanked the various Select Board, School Committee, Planning Board and Board of Library Trustees members he worked with over the course of his FinCom tenure.

“I appreciate the work we were able to accomplish on the Finance Committee to take Lynnfield forward,” said Mattia.

Mattia thanked former Town Moderators David Miller, Arthur Bourque and Joe Markey as well as current Town Moderator Steven Walsh for “trusting me in the role of Finance Committee member.”

“Thank you for your support over the years,” said Mattia.

Mattia also thanked former Finance Committee Chair Jack Dahlstedt for teaching him “everything I needed to know about being a Finance Committee member and chair.”

“It was an honor to take over for you as chair and continue the work you started,” said Mattia.  “The committee and the town are grateful for your leadership.”

Mattia also thanked the FinCom’s current and former members for their “partnership and all of the hard work.”

“This committee has accomplished so much over the years, and there is still a lot of work to be done,” said Mattia. “The committee is in good hands with Tom Kayola as chair, and I look forward to seeing what’s next.”

Mattia also thanked Lynnfield residents for their “continued support of the committee and the work we did and the work they will continue to do.”

School Committee Chair Kate DePrizio said Mattia’s “leadership and dedication to Lynnfield have proven invaluable.”

“During his tenure as Finance Committee chair, Chris has approached every challenge with steadfast determination, dedication to building consensus and unwavering commitment to the betterment and continued growth of the town of Lynnfield,” said DePrizio. “He readily navigates difficult conversations and maintains high expectations ensuring that, collectively, our due diligence has been fulfilled during every budget season, Town Meeting and town project. Chris is highly respected, eagerly consulted and has built impeccable rapport with all leaders and town departments. I am incredibly grateful for all that Chris has accomplished in his 12 years on the Finance Committee, and count myself lucky to call Chris my friend. I want to wish Chris and his family the best and give them my heartfelt thank you for their service to our town.”

Select Board Chair Dick Dalton agreed.

“Chris Mattia, for over a decade, has been a critical part of a team that has kept Lynnfield strongly financially,” said Dalton. “It should be noted that he was chair of the Finance Committee during COVID, and showed extraordinary leadership in difficult times. I would like to thank Chris for his service on behalf of the Select Board.”

Mattia offered some advice for the Finance Committee and town officials to keep in mind moving forward.

“We are entering a very critical time for the town and the work done over the next 12-18 months will play a crucial role into what the future of Lynnfield looks like,” said Mattia. “We began some of that work this year with the addition of two full-time firefighters and some difficult but necessary decisions by the schools to help move the district forward.  To continue ahead, I think it is important for the Finance Committee to have a seat at the table for any financial discussion. In everything that is done, there also needs to be open, transparent communication between all boards and town officials. During these processes, it is sometimes very easy to get solely focused on the task at hand, but it will be crucial for the macro viewpoint to always be present. The town is fortunate to have a strong leadership nucleus, but it will be important for all to come together with the common goal of the best outcome for Lynnfield.”