THE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES honored retired Library Trustees Bob Calamari and Russ Boekenkroeger during a May 15 reception. From left, Library Trustee Darlene Kumar, Library Trustees Chair Joe Gallagher, Library Trustee Faith Honer-Coakley, Library Trustees Vice Chair Anne Malenfant, Calamari, Boekenkroeger and Library Trustee Rich Mazzola. (Dan Tomasello Photo)





LYNNFIELD — Retired Library Trustees Bob Calamari and Russell Boekenkroeger were recognized for their contributions to the Lynnfield Public Library and the community during a reception held in the Meeting House on May 15.

Calamari resigned from the Board of Library Trustees in April after 17 years of service, 15 of which he served as chair. Boekenkroeger ran for a two-year term on the Board of Library Trustees in the Town Election in April, but he lost to newly elected Library Trustee Darlene Kumar. Former Library Trustee Andrew Kenneally was also recognized for his four years of service during the reception, but he was unable to attend the event.

The reception featured 50 attendees that included Calamari and Boekenkroeger’s families and friends as well as local officials, library staff and members of the Friends of the Lynnfield Library.

“Bob and Russ have done so much work and are so dedicated to the library,” said Library Trustee Rich Mazzola. “Bob put 17 years in and just retired as chair. Russ knows everything you could know about libraries that are both historical and operational.”

Brittany Carisella, who is the district aide for House Minority Leader Brad Jones (R-North Reading), presented citations from the House of Representatives and State Senate to Calamari and Boekenkroeger. She said Jones and State Sen. Brendan Crighton (D-Lynn) were unable to attend the reception due to the State Legislature being in session.

“My office was pleased to present House citations recognizing and thanking Russell Boekenkroeger and Robert Calamari for their years of service to the Lynnfield Public Library as members of the Board of Library Trustees,” Jones wrote on his Facebook page.


RETIRED LIBRARY TRUSTEES Russ Boekenkroeger (left) and Bob Calamari proudly display the citations they received from the State Legislature during a reception held at the Meeting House on May 15. (Dan Tomasello Photo)






Library Trustee Faith Honer-Coakley said it was a pleasure serving with Calamari and Boekenkroeger.

“It was a joy to work with both of these gentlemen,” said Honer-Coakley. “Bob and I both joined the board in 2007, and I worked with Russ for the past 10 years. We have had great aspirations, but not all of them came to fruition. But if you don’t try, you never know what will happen. Thank you guys.”

The reception’s attendees gave Calamari and Boekenkroeger a round of applause.

The current Board of Library Trustees presented Calamari with a copy of “History of the Town of Lynnfield” by Thomas Wellman as a retirement gift. The trustees gave Boekenkroeger a book about wine as a retirement gift. Kenneally will also be receiving a book from the Library Trustees and a citation from lawmakers.

“Thank you both very, very much,” said Mazzola.

Select Board Chair Dick Dalton thanked Calamari and Boekenkroeger for their service.

“You guys have been great advocates for the library over the years,” said Dalton. “The recognition is very much deserved.”

Calamari said it was an honor being recognized for his 17 years of service as a Library Trustee during the reception.

“I am tremendously grateful to all of those who organized this reception,” said Calamari in an interview with the Villager. “I am grateful to the trustees, the library’s staff and the Friends of the Lynnfield Library for making all of this happen. It has been an honor to serve the community.”

Boekenkroeger agreed.

“I am very grateful,” said Boekenkroeger in an interview with the Villager. “I enjoyed the experience of working with the trustees as a team. We were able to work together, come to conclusions and move forward. I want to thank Rep. Jones and Sen. Crighton for the citations, and the Select Board for the recognition. I want to wish the new trustees and the Friends the best moving forward.”

Calamari and Boekenkroeger both said they will continue being library patrons as well as members of the Friends of the Lynnfield Library.

“I am sure we will be called on to provide some support along the way, and I am happy to do so,” said Calamari.

“Likewise,” added Boekenkroeger.

Board of Library Trustees Chair Joe Gallagher thanked Calamari and Boekenkroeger for their service to the library and the community.   

“I got more involved with the library last year, and I was really impressed with Russ and Bob’s work ethic,” said Gallagher. “It’s really incredible thinking back over their tenure and how long they have been advocating for and supporting the library. I hope I can continue their tradition of improving and enhancing by serving the library as a trustee.”