The following statement was submitted by Vincenzo Stuto, current vice chairman of the Select Board and a candidate for re-election to a three-year term on the Select Board in the May 2 Town Election.

VINCENZO STUTO, Select Board candidate

Hello North Reading Residents.

My name is Vincenzo Stuto and I currently serve on the Select Board. After careful consideration and with the support of my family, I am running for re-election.  I ask for your vote.

As a father of four young children, I believe it is important to continue to serve the community in which my amazing wife and I have chosen to live and raise our family.  For the past three years I have applied my skill set to my role as Selectman with the best interest of North Reading in mind. I have also volunteered in Youth Services and sports in various roles.

As a managing partner of an investment planning firm, my expertise in finance is a perfect fit for serving on the Select Board. Budgetary issues, long-term strategic planning, legislative initiatives, and capital improvements are the primary responsibilities of the Select Board – many of these I address daily in the private sector.  This knowledge base gives me the short- and long-term vision to balance the present concerns with the future goals of North Reading.  The broad scope of town growth and stability are not limited to one subject, such as the wastewater project, but extend to many issues the town faces at any given time. In short, as Selectman I am able to offer a skillset I engage in professionally every day.   

I believe that a strong community is a fiscally sound one. All the ideas and opportunities I have pursued as a Select Board member over the past three years have been on behalf of the families of North Reading, one of which is to generate more revenue for the town.  At the very least, my goal is to keep our taxes from rising higher than necessary, with the hope that one day they can be brought down. With multiple budget gaps both in municipal and school finances, we will need steady financial resources to maintain a thriving community with no need to cut services.

Not always visible to local citizens are the multiple levels of responsibility of the Select Board. The Board must be prepared to divert its attention to unsuspecting issues, sometimes immediately. The sewer project is only one of the issues we are focusing on today. The Select Board constantly pivots their attention to budgets – where my expertise in finance is a resource – to continue to ensure that the town departments function efficiently and effectively in maintaining town services.

My last election to the Select Board began during COVID-19. I was a part of a community of volunteers helping North Reading navigate through the pandemic, assisting in the difficult decisions on how to keep the town safe while ensuring government services continued to run. During my time on the Select Board we have also settled protracted litigation related to the High School construction project, recouping a substantial payment to the town from that settlement.

During my tenure as your Selectman, I have interacted with many dedicated town employees who dutifully perform their tasks. In my role as a volunteer, I have worked with many others in town who also have given their personal time doing amazing work on your behalf, serving on various town boards and committees. Currently, as the Select Board’s Vice Chair, I am a member of the town’s Financial Planning Team and Capital Improvement Planning Commission. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with these helpful citizens, who share my commitment to serving and being engaged with our community governance.

I decided to run in 2020 when the 20 Elm Street development project was in the forefront. I have remained steadfast to my commitment to abutters and residents and continue to serve as Select Board liaison to the ZBA, which puts me in the frontline in representing the town with the Town Administrator and our legal counsel. With this case reaching some critical moments, it is one of the primary motivations for my seeking reelection and to continue my work on the Select Board. With overwhelming support in multiple town meeting votes and Select Board public hearings, I believe continuity is vital in achieving the objectives of North Reading and its residents.

There is much more to accomplish, so I would appreciate your support on May 2 to continue doing my part.



Vincenzo Stuto


The following statement was submitted by Jack Carroll, candidate for a three-year term on the Select Board in the May 2 Town Election.

JACK CARROLL, Select Board candidate

My name is Jack Carroll and I’m running for Select Board here in North Reading. I got into this race in part due to my opposition to the new sewer project on Main Street, alongside my belief that we need younger and fresher faces on the Board.

I believe my experience mainly comes from the fact that I’ve lived in town for all but two years of my life, which I feel makes me closer to the issues at hand, as well as closer to those who are being affected. As previously stated, my main reason for entering this race was, and still is, the sewer project and its prior betterment plans, which would not only bring a financial burden onto abutters, but lead to an eventual severe financial problem that would be felt townwide. I believe money potentially used for this project could instead be used for more beneficial things, such as more funding for Elderly Services and for getting a new building for our Fire Department.

My overarching promise, however, is that I will do my best to be the voice of the people, and to be as accessible as possible to the town. With this being said, I believe that I am very well prepared and qualified for this position, and would appreciate any and all support. Thank you for your time.